Massimo Morsello

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Massimo Morsello (born November 10, 1958 in Rome , † March 10, 2001 in London ) was an Italian singer and composer and a politician of the extreme right .

Together with Roberto Fiore he founded Forza Nuova . After the attack in Bologna in 1980 , he was charged with membership of the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari and convicted in absentia because he had fled to England via Germany.


  1. Per me… e la mia gente (1978), first published as a demo tape
  2. I nostri canti assassini (1981), first published as a demo tape
  3. Intolleranza (1990), first released as a demo tape
  4. Punto di non ritorno (1996)
  5. Massimino , a compilation of his first two demo tapes (1997)
  6. La direzione del vento (1998)


  1. ^ Clarke, Nicholas Goodrick: Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity. NYU Press 2002, p. 68