Masters of Rome

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Masters of Rome is a series of novels by Australian writer Colleen McCullough .

The English title means "The Lords of Rome" and refers to the central figures of the works which the leading figures of the Roman Empire in the years 110 BC. BC to 27 BC Were.


The novel series originally comprised 6 works, some of which were published separately. The titles of the German translations and the original editions are:

  • Power and Love ( The First Man in Rome ), 1990; is about Marius wars against Jugurtha and the Teutons (110 BC-100 BC)
  • A crown of grass ( The Grass Crown ), 1991; is about the emergence of the alliance war and the death of Marius (98 BC-86 BC)
  • Favorites of the Gods 1 - The Companions ( Fortune's Favorites ), 1993; is about the rise of Pompey and Caesar during Sulla's dictatorship
  • Minions of the Gods 2 - The Mortal Enemies ( Fortune's Favorites ), 1993
  • Caesars women ( Caesar's Women ), 1996; 68 BC BC-58 BC Chr.
  • Rubicon ( Caesar ), 1997; deals with the years from 54 BC Until Pompey's death in 48 BC. Chr.
  • The Legacy of Caesar ( The October Horse ), 2002; is about Caesar's murder in 44 BC And the persecution of the murderers by Octavian and Marcus Antonius
  • Antony and Cleopatra ; 2007

Acting main characters

In the first two novels, Gaius Marius and Lucius Cornelius Sulla are the central characters. According to this, it is Gaius Iulius Caesar and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (up to "Rubicon" ).

The Julii

The Pompeii

The Cornelii

  • Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix , called Sulla
  • Iulia Minor, called Julilla - in the novels the first wife of Sulla, mother of the son and daughter of Sulla (no historically proven connection, Sulla's wife was called Iulia, but it is unclear which family she belonged to)
  • Faustus Cornelius Sulla , son of Sulla

The Marius family

Other important people


The first two volumes deal with the rise of Marius and Sulla as well as their later enmity after the war of allies . The following describes the rise of Caesar under Sulla's dictatorship and the campaigns of Pompey. "Rubicon" is dedicated to Caesar's victory in Gaul and the crossing of the river , "Caesar's legacy" ends with the death of his co-murderers Brutus and Cassius at the Battle of Philippi .