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A matinee or matinée (from the French matinée for "morning") is an artistic event that takes place or begins in the morning or afternoon.


A matinee can be, for example, a concert , a vernissage , a theater or film performance, or a discussion event. At an introductory matinee to a new production, the piece (production, ensemble) is presented to the audience by the director (conductor, choreographer, dramaturge or stage designer), including with artistic contributions, a few days before the premiere .

Meyers' encyclopedic lexicon from 1905 describes it as follows: Matinée (French, morning time ), a morning entertainment, especially musical . One event in the evening is called a soiree .

Well-known matinees

Probably the world's most famous matinee is the New Year's Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic , which takes place on January 1st each year.

Web links

Wiktionary: Matinee  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. dtv-Lexikon from 1975, Volume 12 Mach – Muns, page 113