Melchior from Ossa

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Melchior from Ossa / Osse

Melchior von Ossa (* 1506 in Ossa ; † August 8, 1557 in Frauenfels ) was a German lawyer and camerawoman .

Melchior von Ossa, or often Melchior von Osse, was a law professor in Leipzig from 1535 to 1541 . From 1542 to 1545 he was Chancellor of Elector Johann Friedrich I of Saxony. From 1549 he was in the service of Count Wilhelm von Henneberg on Schleusingen for six years . As early as 1547, Elector Moritz had assigned him a position as judge at the court in Leipzig, which he then continued to hold from Schleusingen. He also visited the Reichstag in Augsburg in 1550 as the envoy from Elector Moritz.

He wrote a Political Testament to Augustum Churfursten zu Sachssen, an undergraduate concern Melchiorn von Osse and handed it over to the Elector August I of Saxony in 1556 . It was published in full 50 years after his death and in full by Thomasius in 1717 and is considered the first fundamental work of German cameralism .

The main theses of the work were:

  • The authorities are appointed by God for the sake of men and are therefore subject to justice and law.
  • The good of the regent and the country are linked; therefore an orderly state budget is necessary.
  • The means for the current needs of the prince are to be obtained from the income from the state property (mines or domains).
  • Taxes may only be levied in extraordinary emergencies (wars).

The financing of the state should be secured through practical measures such as import restrictions, price limits for food and tight financial management.

Melchior was buried in the church of Ossa in front of the main altar, where his wife Crispine was also buried in 1564.


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