Michele Costa

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Michele Costa

Michele Andrea Agniello Costa (born February 4, 1808 in Naples , † April 29, 1884 in Hove , Sussex ) was an Italian-British composer and conductor .


Costa moved to England in 1829 and became a British citizen in 1839. In London he was musical director of the King's Theater from 1832 . In 1846 he founded the Royal Italian Opera in Covent Garden and in the same year became conductor of the Philharmonic Society ( Richard Wagner was succeeded in 1855 ). From 1857 to 1880 he conducted the Handel Festival at the Crystal Palace . From 1871 to 1881 he was a conductor at Her Majesty's Theater .

He anglicized his name to Michael Andrew Agnus Costa and was knighted on April 14, 1868 .


Web links

Commons : Michele Costa  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hugo Riemann: Handbuch der Musikgeschichte , Volume II Part II, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1913, p. 322
  2. Abraham Zebi Idelsohn : Jewish music - Its historical development , New York, 1929, in the 1993 edition on p. 473
  3. ^ Adrian Room: Dictionary of Pseudonyms - 13,000 Assumed Names and Their Origins , Fifth Edition, 2010, p. 119