Michael Nagula

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Michael Nagula (born November 2, 1959 in Hohenlimburg ) is a freelance German author , translator , editor and publisher .

Among other things, he wrote for the fantastic book series Ren Dhark and Das Volk der Nacht as well as fifteen Perry Rhodan novels, edited the Atlan mini-cycle Omega Centauri , for which he also took care of the reader's pages, and the Heyne cycle Perry Rhodan: Odyssey . He also wrote the first two volumes of the Perry Rhodan Chronicle about the genesis of the series up to 1980. In the yearbook Das Science Fiction Jahr published by Heyne from 1986 to 2014 , Nagula published secondary literary texts.

From 1988 to 1996 he was the editor-in-chief and German copywriter of the Marvel superhero program at Condor-Interpart (including Spider-Man , X-Men , Die Fantastischen Vier , Conan ). For the Egmont Ehapa he translates since 1989 regularly for Mickey Mouse , Funny Paperback and Donald Duck special issue , which he The Little Mermaid (36 issues) translated completely.

At Weltbild , he was in charge of the collector's editions Perry Rhodan Planetary Novel , Darkover and The Witcher , for which he also wrote forewords and accompanying brochures. He has also translated more than a hundred books from a wide variety of fields, including works by Philip K. Dick , Arthur C. Clarke , Robert B. Parker , Marion Zimmer Bradley , Joseph Murphy and Doreen Virtue , and has been responsible for the Star- Wars -Comics at Dino / Panini , was editor of the Festa SF series and founded AMRA in October 2005, a publishing house for spiritual and borderline literature, which has since published over 300 publications.

Nagula also translated the esoteric book The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks and the non-fiction book How Star Wars Conquered the Universe .

Anthologies (selection)

Nagula compiled more than thirty fantastic anthologies, including:

  • Fenster ins Licht (1983, Heyne), the first West German GDR SF anthology
  • The timeless dream (1984, Ullstein ), a compilation of the best SF stories from the German SF magazine Comet, which appeared in 1977-78
  • Beyond the Darkness (1985 first as TERRA magazine, 1988 as paperback by Moewig )
  • A trace of madness (1986, Luchterhand collection ), an anthology of SF spa stories by Philip K. Dick
  • As long as there is life (1988, Ravensburger ), SF children's book anthology
  • Siebenquant or the star of luck (1988, Luchterhand collection), SF satires from the GDR
  • The future was tender: love stories from the world of tomorrow (1989, Luchterhand Collection)
  • Atomic Avenue (Heyne, 1990), one of the first cyberpunk anthologies in German-speaking countries
  • Fire Breath: The Great Dragon Reader (2002, Droemer Knaur ), which included original articles by Andreas Eschbach , Gisbert Haefs , Tanja Kinkel and Kai Meyer , among others

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 10 years AMRA at AMRA Verlag.