Ministerial Councilor

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Ministerialrat ( MR , MRin , in Austria MinR ) is a term for civil servants of the higher service in a ministry or in a supreme federal authority in Germany and Austria . A leading ministerial councilor ( LMR ) has a distinctive management function.


Ministerial Councilor

In Germany, Ministerialrat is an official designation for civil servants at the highest federal or state authorities ( ministries and audit offices , insofar as they are the highest authority) and for federal railway assets . Ministerialräte belong to the career of the higher service of the administration . They are classified in grade A 16 or B 3. The ministerial councilor, who is paid according to BBesO A 16, is colloquially known as the “small ministerial councilor” or “ministerial councilor on foot”, in contrast to the “ministerial councilor on horseback” (occupation group B 3).

Most ministerial councilors act as heads of units . You are therefore responsible for a specific subject area and manage the organizational unit of a ministry below the departmental level. Usually they use it to lead groups of people. Superiors are usually ministerial directors , rarely ministerial directors .

Senior Ministerial Councilor

According to state law, there is also the leading ministerial council (LMR) in grades B 3 and B 4 . In contrast to the ministerial council , this office is awarded exclusively to holders of certain management functions, regularly deputy heads of departments of the ministries or heads of a group of several departments in the highest state authorities. In the city states of Berlin and Bremen, the corresponding official title is Senate Council (SR). In Hamburg there are senior government directors who are classified accordingly. At the Foreign Office , the comparable official title is Lecturing Legation Councilor, First Class .

For other authorities, the corresponding designation is Senior Director (A 16, with the addition of the specialization e.g. Senior Government Director or Senior Fire Director ) or a corresponding designation from grade B 2 or B 3 (e.g. department director or director and professor ). The exception is the school service at grammar schools, here the title is Oberstudiendirektor (at comprehensive schools, however, again Senior Comprehensive School Director) or Senior Senior Studies Director (for the ministerial representatives in the school service in Bavaria). According to state law, in some federal states the official title of parliamentary councilor is assigned to the relevant civil servants who work in the state parliaments .


In Austria, Ministerialrat is an official title of civil servants as well as a designation of contract employees in the A 1 employment group of the General Administrative Service who work in a central office ( Federal Chancellery , Federal Ministries, Court of Auditors , Ombudsman's Office ) - with the exception of the Parliamentary Directorate . Civil servants hold this official title in function group 2–4 from salary level 14, in function groups 5–6 from salary level 13 and in function groups 7–9, as well as contract employees in salary group v1 in assessment groups v1 / 2 to v1 / 7 when they achieve what is stipulated by law required seniority. In the Parliamentary Directorate, the corresponding official title is Parliamentary Council and outside the central offices, Court Councilor .

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Salary Act Annex I, 2020-08-13
  2. ↑ List of Abbreviations. In: The cabinet minutes of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia . State of North Rhine-Westphalia, accessed on August 26, 2020 .