Molson Prize

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The Molson Prize is an award. It is awarded annually by the Canada Council for the Arts to people who have contributed to the cultural and intellectual heritage of Canada with their work .

History of the award

The Molson Prize was established in 1964 by the Molson Family Foundation , a foundation of the Canadian Molson family , who had become wealthy as brewers , and endowed with a foundation capital of 1 million Canadian dollars . The prizes are awarded by the Canada Council for the Arts in collaboration with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada . The prize money of 50,000 Canadian dollars will each go to an artist (Molson Prize for the Arts) and a prize winner from the fields of science and humanities (Molson Prize in the Social Sciences and Humanities).

Award requirements

Applicants for the Molson Prize must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Further prerequisites are that the special achievements of the candidates are already widely known and that the candidates are still very active and productive . The award is therefore not intended to refer to the candidate's life's work, but to further promote the future path. Organizations and companies are not permitted as candidates, and the award is not awarded posthumously .

Recipient of the award

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christopher Moore: Molson Prize ( English, French ) In: The Canadian Encyclopedia . Retrieved July 29, 2019.
  2. a b Molson Prizes , on:, accessed on August 20, 2015 (English, French )