Muriel Barbery

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Muriel Barbery (2009)

Muriel Barbery (born May 28, 1969 in Casablanca , Morocco ) is a French philosophy professor and writer .


Muriel Barbery graduated from the École normal supérieure , an elite Parisian university, and taught philosophy at the IUFM, the Institut universitaire de formation des maîtres, in Saint-Lô .

In 2000, at the insistence of her husband Stéphane, a psychologist, she sent the manuscript of her first novel to Éditions Gallimard by mail . The novel about a virtuoso gastronomic critic has been translated into 14 languages.

Her second novel The Elegance of the Hedgehog was published by the same publisher in 2006 and, with over 700,000 copies sold and 31 translations, was a huge commercial success and the 2007 literary bestseller in France. The German translation, which advanced to number 5 on the Spiegel bestseller list in 2008, was published in bookshops in January 2009 in its 10th edition.

The author has received numerous prizes for both novels.

Muriel Barbery, however, avoided all the bestseller hype: the success of the second novel made it possible for her financially to take a leave of absence; she has moved to Japan until further notice and currently lives in Kyoto .


Film adaptations


For "Une gourmandise":

  • Prix ​​du Meilleur Livre de Littérature gourmande
  • Prix ​​les plus connus mais il faut signaler
  • Prix ​​Bacchus-BSN.

For "L'élégance du hérisson":

  • Prix Georges Brassens 2006
  • Prix ​​Rotary International 2007
  • Prix ​​des libraires 2007
  • Prix ​​Vivre Livre des Lecteurs de Val d'Isère 2007
  • Prix ​​de l'Armitière (Rouen)
  • Prix ​​Au fil de mars (Université de Bretagne Sud)
  • Prix ​​littéraire de la Ville de Caen 2007

Web links