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Nott rides her horse Hrimfaxi , painted by Peter Nicolai Arbo in the 19th century

Nótt ( Old Norse for "night"), also Nott , is a dark, black giantess in Norse mythology who personifies the night. In both the Lieder Edda and the Snorra Edda she is listed as the daughter of Narfi and rides the horse Hrímfaxi , whose foam falls to the ground as dew from the bite.

The Snorra Edda provides additional details on their origins and three marriages. Nótt married first with Naglfari , to whom she bore a son named Auðr , then with Annar ("the second", "the other"), from which the earth goddess Jörðr ("earth") arose and finally with Dellingr , with whom she had a son Dagr ("day") had.
