Nessma TV

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Infobox radio tower icon
Nessma TV
Station logo
TV station ( private )
reception Satellite ( Badr 6 , Hot Bird , Nilesat )
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission March 16, 2007
owner Karoui & Karoui World
Quinta Communications
List of TV channels

Nessma TV ( Arabic قناة نسمة, DMG Qanāt Nasama ) is a commercial Tunisian television station that is received primarily in the Maghreb ( Tunisia , Morocco , Algeria , Libya and Mauritania ). The Italian media company Mediaset owns a 25% share. All programs broadcast have subtitles in French or Maghreb Arabic. Nessma TV broadcasts the Arabic version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? ( Man sa-yarbah al-Malyun  /من سيربح المليون) and Star Academy Maghreb , the Arabic version of the Endemol format Star Academy (produced in Germany under the name Fame Academy ).

Persepolis affair

In October 2011, shortly before the country's first democratic elections , protests against Nessma TV were made across Tunisia after the station had broadcast the Franco-Iranian animated film Persepolis ; in the film, God appears in a girl's dream as an elderly bearded man. After the protests, around 50 men attacked the home of TV entrepreneur and broadcaster Nabil Karoui with Molotov cocktails. According to the Interior Ministry, 300 demonstrators are also said to have intended to attack the broadcaster's headquarters; the attackers are said to have been Salafists . The head of Nessma TV reported insults and calls for the murder of journalists on the station on Facebook . Nessma TV then announced and realized a rerun of the film, which led to renewed protests.

The moderate Islamist Ennahda party officially distanced itself from the violent protests. Unofficially, they let the Salafists go unpunished to intimidate journalists or political opponents.

The majority of Tunisians should, however, speak out in favor of closing the station.


Individual evidence

  1. a b With Facebook and Sharia Die Zeit, October 21, 2011
  2. Cartoon angry Salafists Heise online, October 10, 2011
  3. ^ Salafists against Persepolis , Part 2 Heise online, October 15, 2011
  4. ^ Tunisian Islamists condemn the riot Sü, October 16, 2011
  5. "Individual freedoms in Tunisia are threatened." Audiatur online, February 5, 2013

Web links