New Era (Kaliningrad)

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New time

description German-language newspaper
Area of ​​Expertise General
Headquarters Kaliningrad
First edition June 18, 1947
attitude October 13, 1948
Frequency of publication two times a week

The " Neue Zeit " was a German-language newspaper published from 1947 to 1948 in the Soviet-occupied Kaliningrad (Königsberg).

In the spring of 1947 there were still an estimated 120,000 German residents living in the northern part of the former East Prussia , now the Kaliningrad area . At this point in time, the Soviet administration had not yet made a final decision about their future. First of all, in the middle of 1947, a kind of " thaw " set in, during which for the first time considerations were made about integrating the remaining Germans and even allowing them to become citizens of the USSR .

The local authorities in Kaliningrad even allowed the Germans to be more and more actively involved in their new life. To achieve this goal, a German-language newspaper was published for the first time on June 26, 1947 under the title " Neue Zeit ". It appeared twice a week with two pages on one sheet of paper. In terms of content, reports from the general Soviet press were essentially adopted, but in German.

The newspaper enjoyed a high level of acceptance among the German population, not least because of the “job offers” section. To a large extent, Germans also worked for the newspaper: as technical staff, in the editorial office and in the print shop.


In the strictest secrecy, contrary to the original plans from the spring, the first stage of the expulsion of the Germans remaining in the area began on October 11, 1947 by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR . The last major stage of the resettlement took place in October 1948. As a result, the number of readers of the "Neue Zeit" decreased with each month. Despite the resettlements, "Neue Zeit" continued to appear. The newspaper could even be ordered by subscription for the whole of 1948: the subscription cost 5.40 rubles per quarter, and 10.80 rubles for six months.

On October 13, 1948, the last issue of "Neue Zeit" appeared. It was a completely normal edition, without any words of farewell to the readership.

Individual evidence

  1. Владислав РЖЕВСКИЙ | Сайт "Комсомольской правды": Чемодан, вокзал, Берлин: Как немцев депортировали из Восточной из . In: KP.RU - сайт « Комсомольской правды » . October 11, 2017 ( [accessed October 14, 2017]).
  2. Deportation of the German population from East Prussia Kaliningrad-domizil. Retrieved October 14, 2017 .