Non-equilibrium system

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In thermodynamics, a non-equilibrium system is an open system that is not in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium . It interacts with its environment and exchanges energy or matter with it .

In principle, all systems that can assume a state of equilibrium or several can be referred to as non-equilibrium systems if they are permanently out of steady-state equilibrium due to an external disturbance or if they are not yet in equilibrium at the time of their formation and are only equilibrating . The disturbance is a flow of energy or matter or both. In thermodynamics, irreversible processes run by definition via non-equilibrium states.

Examples of non-equilibrium systems are the earth and its atmosphere (see weather ) as well as all living things . Non-equilibrium systems can develop dissipative structures under suitable conditions .

See also:


Individual evidence

  1. Wissenschaft-Online-Lexika: Entry on irreversible thermodynamics in the Lexikon der Physik, accessed on December 8, 2009.