Nolana reichei

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Nolana reichei
Nolana reichei.jpg

Nolana reichei

Euasterids I
Order : Nightshade (Solanales)
Family : Nightshade family (Solanaceae)
Genre : Nolana
Type : Nolana reichei
Scientific name
Nolana reichei
MODillon & Arancio

Nolana reichei is a plant type from the genus Nolana . It is only known from one location in Chile .


Vegetative characteristics

Nolana reichei are succulent , perennial, herbaceous plants that are finely hairy and reddish in color and have strong beet roots . From this the plant branches out into prostrate, curved branches up to 50 cm long.

The basal leaves are spatulate, long stalked and 10 to 12 cm long, the leaves on the stems are alternate and have lanceolate, 23 to 33 mm long, 2 to 3 mm wide, succulent leaf blades . The leaves are pointed towards the front, the base of the leaf blade is wedge-shaped, the leaf margin is entire and slightly wavy.


The species blooms between October and December. The flowers are solitary in the leaf axils. The felty hairy flower stalks are thread-shaped and 5 to 6 cm long. The calyx is bell-shaped, hairless, about 5 to 6 mm wide at flowering time. The calyx tube is about 10 mm long. The lanceolate calyx lobes are 5 to 7 mm long and 3 to 4 mm wide. The crown is conspicuously colored and consists of a purple, blue and black colored ring and a dark yellow center from the outside in. The crown is broadly funnel-shaped to bell-shaped, 3 to 4 mm long and 4 to 5 mm wide. The blunt corolla lobes are 2.5 to 3 mm long and 9 to 10 mm wide. The outside is hairy with single-row, glandular, stalked trichomes .

The five stamens start in the lower third of the crown and are of unequal length. The three shorter ones are 5 to 7 mm long, the two longer ones measure 8 to 10 mm. The stamens are hairy at the base, the anthers are about 4 mm long and 1 to 1.5 mm wide and cream-white to yellow. The five carpels existing ovary is hairless, at its base are nectaries . The stylus does not protrude beyond the crown, the stigma is head-shaped and green in color.


The collective fruits are in the enlarging calyx, they consist of about 15 partial fruits that are 3.5 to 4.5 mm in size and connected to one another on the sides. Each partial fruit contains one or two seeds .

Occurrence and locations

The species is known from a single location on the southern bank of the Rio Limari ( Chile ), near the Pacific Ocean . There it grows sympatric with other species of the genus, including Nolana crassulifolia , Nolana rupicola , Nolana sedifolia and Nolana werdermannii .

Etymology and Botanical History

The species is named after Karl Friedrich Reiche , who described a specimen of the species as early as 1845 in the treatment of Nolanaceae for his "Flora of Chile", but assigned it to the species Sorema lanceolata (now synonymous with Nolana acuminata ). Michael Dillon and Gina Arancio confirmed in 2007 that the described plant belongs to a new species and published a valid description of the species and selected a specimen they had collected as the type specimen .


Nolana reichei is most similar to the species Nolana paradoxa , differs from it mainly in the shape of the corolla lobes and the color of the crown. Both species belong to a monophyletic clade that also contains Nolana acuminata , Nolana baccata , Nolana elegans , Nolana jaffuelii , Nolana pterocarpha , Nolana rupicola and Nolana parviflora . All species of this so-called "Acuminata complex" are native to Chile and have similar morphological properties such as a basal rosette of leaves, a thick beet root, relatively large and conspicuous flowers, and collective fruits consisting of 10 to 35 partial fruits.


  • Michael O. Dillon, Gina Arancio and Federico Luebert: Five new species of Nolana (Solanaceae-Nolaneae) from Chile . In: Arnaldoa , Volume 14, Number 2, 2007. Pages 191-212.