Object module

from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Object module is a term from the XHTML markup language . The object module is an abstract XHTML module. It provides elements for the integration of general objects. It supports the elements:

  • object with the attributes Common, archive ( URIs ), classid (URI), codebase (URI), codetype ( ContentType ), data (URI), declare ("declare"), height (Length), name ( CDATA ), standby ( Text), tabindex (Number), type (ContentType), width (Length) and
  • param with the attributes id ( ID ), name * (CDATA), type (ContentType), value (CDATA), valuetype ("data" * | "ref" | "object").

When the module is used, it adds the object element to the inline content set of the text module. It is implemented in DTD .


Here is an example of an SVG file integrated as an object . If there is no browser plug-in to display SVG, an alternative text is displayed:

<object data="wikipedia.svg" type="image/svg+xml" width="200" height="200">
  Ihr Browser kann das Objekt leider nicht anzeigen!
  Nun kommen Sie nicht in den Genuss des Wikipedia-Logos.

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