Odoardo Beccari

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Odoardo Beccari

Odoardo Beccari (born November 19, 1843 in Florence , † October 25, 1920 ibid) was an Italian traveler and botanist . Its official botanical author's abbreviation is “ Becc. "

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Beccari studied in Pisa , Bologna and in the Kew Gardens in London and in 1865, at the instigation of the White Rajas of Sarawak , Sir James Brooke , went to Borneo with Marchese Giacomo Doria and, especially in the northwestern part of the island, collected over 20,000 plants and 35 Orangutan skull. Returning in 1868, he published his observations in his own journal entitled Il nuovo giornale botanico italiano . Two years later he visited with Marchese Orazio Antinori and Arturo Issel (1842-1922) the Barka and Bogosländer , the Assabbai and the Dahlak archipelago in Abyssinia (today Eritrea ).

In 1871 he went to New Guinea with the ornithologist Luigi Maria d'Albertis , from there alone to the Aru and Kai Islands and in 1873 to Celebes . In 1875 he traveled to New Guinea for the second time and especially explored the Arfak Mountains . After a third expedition to New Guinea, he returned to Italy in 1876.

Beccari made the titan arum ( Amorphophallus titanum ) with one of the largest flowers in the world known in the west. During an expedition in Atjer Mantior on Sumatra , he observed the leaves and a fruiting plant on August 6, 1878, and a flowering specimen of this species on September 5, 1878. He sent some tubers and seeds to Florence. As the tubers perished, some seeds sprouted. Some of the young plants ended up in the Kew Botanical Gardens in London. 11 years after its discovery in 1889, a specimen blossomed there for the first time outside of Sumatra.

Beccari published his find in November 1878 in the Gardeners Chronicle and named the plant Conophallus titanum . Giovanni Arcangeli gave the species its current scientific name Amorphophallus titanum (Becc.) Becc in 1879 . ex Arcang.

Taxa named after Beccari

The plant genera Beccarianthus Cogn is in his honor . , Beccarinda Kuntze , Beccariodendron Warb. and Beccariophoenix Jum. & H.Perrier named.


  • Palme del Madagascar descritte ed illustrate . 5 volumes. Istituto micrografico italiano, Firenze 1912.
  • Contributo alla conoscenza della palma a olio (Elaeis guineensis) . 1914.
  • Malesia; raccolta di osservazioni botaniche intorno alle piante dell'arcipelago Indo-Malese e Papuano pubblicata da Odoardo Beccari, destinata principalmente a descrivere ed illustrare le piante da esso raccolte in quelle regioni durante i viaggi eseguiti dall'anno 1878 . 1916.
  • Il genere Cocos Linn. e le palm affini . 1916.
  • with Joseph Francis Charles Rock : A monographic study of the genus Pritchardia . 1921.
  • Nuova Guinea: Selebes e Molucche: diarii di viaggio . 1924.
  • Nelle Foreste di Borneo: viaggi e ricerche di un naturalista . 1982.
  • Wanderings in the great forests of Borneo . 1989.

Individual evidence

  1. Lotte Burkhardt: Directory of eponymous plant names . Extended Edition. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Free University Berlin Berlin 2018. [1]

Web links

Commons : Odoardo Beccari  - collection of images, videos and audio files