Odontomantis planiceps

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Odontomantis planiceps
Odontomantis planiceps, Asian ant mantis.jpg

Odontomantis planiceps

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Mantis (Mantodea)
Family : Hymenopodidae
Genre : Odontomantis
Type : Odontomantis planiceps
Scientific name
Odontomantis planiceps
( de Haan , 1842)

Odontomantis planiceps , (German: Asiatic ant mantis ) is a representative of the terrors .


The Asian ant mantis is a small mantid , with a maximum size of 1.4 cm for males and 2.0 cm for females. Its name comes from Bates' mimicry , as it resembles black ants - especially in stages 1 to 3.

Odontomantis planiceps is completely black in color from the 1st to the 3rd stage, with green stripes at the end of each segment .

After reaching stage 4 through adult moulting , they are mostly green with a few variations in the vegetation they are in.


Odontomantis planiceps is a common praying mantis. They are often found in gardens and houses. But also on fields and primarily on plants and bushes.

The Asian ant mantis is widespread, its range is in Southeast Asia , around Malaysia and Indonesia . However, they have already been found in Hong Kong and Taiwan.


Odontomantis planiceps is a stalker and quietly waits for its prey. When threatened, jump to the ground due to their camouflage. Adult males can also fly away from predators


  1. Odontomantis planiceps - Asian ant mantis - Taxo4254 - Wiki.nus .
  2. ^ Odontomantis planiceps Haan 1842 maps - Encyclopedia of Life .