Samuel Oluyemi Falae

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Samuel Oluyemisi Falae (* 1938 in Akure ), or Olu Falae for short , is a Nigerian politician.

Falae graduated from Ibadan University and Yale University . Originally a banker , he was finance minister in the military government of Ibrahim Babangida . In the 1999 presidential elections in Nigeria he was a joint candidate for the Alliance for Democracy and the All People's Party , but lost 37.22% of the vote against Olusegun Obasanjo from the People's Democratic Party . As a Christian Yoruba he had the southwest of Nigeria behind him, but could win little votes in other areas. Today Falae is a major farmer and chairman of the newly founded Democratic Peoples Alliance , a member of the All Progressives Grand Alliance .

Because of his politics as finance minister in the 1980s, Olu Falae was also called Mr SAP (after structural adjustment program , English fool or simpleton ).


  1. BBC News: "Profile: Olu Falae"