Orchestra Association Aarau

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The Aarau Orchestra Association (OVA) is an amateur symphony orchestra in the Swiss canton of Aargau .

The association has existed continuously since 1889, when Aarau still had around 7,000 residents. For the first time, he made it possible for the population to attend symphony concerts in Aarau. During a high phase in the first part of the 20th century, the opera Das goldene Kreuz was performed before the First World War, and in 1923 the opera The Regiment's Daughter .

Over time, many renowned soloists have performed with the orchestra. The association's old concert books include names such as Yehudi Menuhin (1916–1999), Aida Stucki (1921–2011), Arthur Grumiaux (1921–1986), Henryk Szeryng (1918–1988) and Clara Haskil (1895–1986). 1960).

János Tamás (1936–1995) directed the orchestra from 1963 and for over 25 years . The OVA currently consists of a good 50 active members and around 300 passive, honorary and sponsor members.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 100 Years of the Aarau Orchestra Association , Aarauer Neujahrsblätter, Volume 89
  2. ^ Classicpoint.net