Orchid of the year

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Orchid of the year 2019:
three-tooth orchid ( Neotinea tridentata )

The orchid of the year has been chosen annually since 1989 by the German working group Heimische Orchideen (AHO) from the German orchid world.

The orchid of the year is selected according to the endangerment of the species or its habitat by humans.

Orchids of the year

year German name scientific name Illustration
1989 Broad-leaved orchid Dactylorhiza majalis
1989 Broad-leaved orchid
1990 Pyramid dogwort Anacamptis pyramidalis
1990 pyramid dogwort
1991 Little orchid Orchis morio
1991 Orchid
1992 Large two-leaf Listera ovata
1992 Large two-sheet
1993 Helmet orchid Orchis militaris
1993 Orchid orchid
1994 Marsh glosswort Liparis loeselii
1994 marsh glossy herb
1995 Bee ragwort Ophrys apifera
1995 bee ragwort
1996 Yellow lady's slipper Cypripedium calceolus
1996 Yellow Lady's Slipper
1997 Bug orchid Orchis coriophora
1997 bug orchid
1998 Real Marshwort Epipactis palustris
1998 Real Marshwort
1999 Bocks strap end Himantoglossum hircinum
1999 Bocks strap end
2000 Red forest bird Cephalanthera rubra
2000 Red Forest Bird
2001 Autumn rootwort Spiranthes spiralis
2001 Herbst-Drehwurz
2002 Avian root Neottia nidus-avis
2002 avian root root
2003 Fly Ragwort Ophrys insectifera
2003 Fly Ragwort
2004 Green hollow tongue Coeloglossum viride
2004 Green hollow tongue
2005 Brandy orchid Orchis ustulata
2005 Fire Orchid
2006 Broad-leaved stendola Epipactis helleborine
2006 Broad-leaved stendrums
2007 Ordinary cabbage florets Nigritella nigra subsp. rhellicani
2007 Common cabbage rose
2008 Overlooked orchid Dactylorhiza praetermissa
2008 Overlooked Orchid
2009 Male orchid Orchis mascula
2009 Male Orchid
2010 Yellow lady's slipper Cypripedium calceolus
2010 Yellow Lady's Slipper
2011 Two-leaved forest hyacinth Platanthera bifolia
2011 Two-leaved forest hyacinth
2012 Pale orchid Orchis pallens
2012 Pale Orchid
2013 Purple orchid Orchis purpurea
2013 Purple Orchid
2014 Leafless adversity Epipogium aphyllum
2014 Leafless adversity
2015 Flesh-colored orchid Dactylorhiza incarnata
2015 Flesh-colored orchid
2016 Summer rootwort Spiranthes aestivalis
2016 summer turmeric
2017 White forest bird Cephalanthera damasonium
2017 White Forest Bird
2018 Peat moss orchid Dactylorhiza majalis subsp. sphagnicola
2018 Peat moss orchid
2019 Three-tooth orchid Neotinea tridentata
2019 three-tooth orchid
2020 Broad-leaved orchid Dactylorhiza majalis
1989 Broad-leaved orchid

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