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Italian orchid (Orchis italica)

Italian orchid ( Orchis italica )

Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Orchids (orchidaceae)
Subfamily : Orchidoideae
Tribe : Orchideae
Sub tribus : Orchidinae
Scientific name

Orchidinae is the only Subtribus of since 2017 Tribe Orchideae in the family of orchids (Orchidaceae). The 47 to 60 genera with around 1800 species (as of 2017) thrive terrestrially almost worldwide.


Vegetative characteristics

The species of Orchidinae are perennial herbaceous plants that mostly grow terrestrially . They form fleshy roots or tubers . The alternate and basal or spiral leaves arranged on the stem are sessile. The simple leaf blades are not folded and curled up.

Generative characteristics

The terminal, racemose inflorescences mostly contain resupinate flowers. The hermaphrodite flowers are zygomorphic and threefold and relatively small. The six bracts are usually white, green or purple in color. There is only a mostly upright anther that has no operculum. There are two sectile pollinia . The column has two lateral appendages. The scar appears to have two or three lobes. A capsule fruit is formed.


The Subtribus Orchidinae was created in 1977 by Pieter Vermeulen in J. Landwehr: Wilde Orchideeen van Europa , Volume 2, p. 556, Nederland: Ver. dead Behoud van Natuurmonumenten erected.

Internal systematics of the subtribe Orchidinae s. st.

According to molecular genetic studies, but not uncontroversial findings, the subtribe Orchidinae is divided according to RM Bateman, AM Pridgeon and MW Chase 1997 as shown in the following graphic:

Dogwort ( Anacamptis ) 1)


Tongues ( Serapias )


Ragwurzen ( Ophrys )


Belt tongues ( Himantoglossum ) 2)


Neotinea 3)


Orchids ( orchis ) 4)


Händelwurzen ( Gymnadenia ) 5)




Höswurzen ( Pseudorchis )


Forest hyacinths ( Platanthera )


Sphere Orchis ( Traunsteinera ) 7)


Hooded Orchis ( Neottianthe ) 8)




Subtribe habenariinae


Tribe Diseae

The clades in RM Bateman, AM Pridgeon and MW Chase 1997 also contain:
1) Orchis morio , Orchis sancta , Orchis palustris etc.
2) Steveniella , Comperia and Barlia
3) Orchis ustulata , Orchis tridentata
4) Aceras
5) Nigritella
6) Coeloglossum
7) Chamorchis alpina
8) Ponerorchis , Hemipilia

Even with Bateman et al. In 2003 a similar scope of the subtribe was discussed.

Orchidinae s. l.

Since 1997, molecular genetic investigations have been carried out in many genera, the results of which were reported by Jin et al. 2017 were summarized. An important result is that the genus Satyrium Sw. no longer forms the subtribe Satyriinae alone , but part of a more broadly defined subtribe Orchidinae s. l. becomes.

Genera and their distribution

The approximately 1800 species (as of 2017) are distributed almost worldwide.

The Subtribus Orchidinae Verm. s. l. (Syn .: Subtribe habenariinae Benth. , Subtribus Satyriinae Schltr. ) After Jin et al. 2017 contains 47 to 60 genera (selection):

  • Aceras R.Br. : It contains only one type:
  • Dog Wurzen ( Anacamptis Rich. , Syn .: Anteriorchis E.Klein & Strack , Herorchis D.Tyteca & E.Klein , Paludorchis P.Delforge , Rauranita GRELET , Vermeulenia Á.Löve & D.Löve )
  • Bonatea Willd. : The approximately 13 Aten occur on the Arabian Peninsula and from tropical to southern Africa.
  • Brachycorythis Lindl. (Syn .: Afrorchis Szlach. , Diplacorchis Schltr. , Gyaladenia Schltr. , Phyllomphax Schltr. , Schwartzkopffia Kraenzl. ): The 30 to 35 species are mainly distributed from tropical to southern Africa, few species occur in tropical Asia to Taiwan.
  • Chamorchis Rich .: It contains only one species:
  • Knabenkräuter ( Dactylorhiza Neck. Ex Nevski nom. Cons., Syn .: Coeloglossum Hartm., Dactylorchis (Klinge) Verm., Dactylorrhiza Neck., Diplorrhiza Ehrh., Entaticus Gray nom. Superfl., Satyrium L. nom. Rej., Satorkis Thouars nom. Superfl., Streptogyne Rchb. F.)
  • Diplomeris D.Don (Syn .: Diplochilos Lindl., Paragnathis Spreng.): The two to three species occur from the Himalayas to southern China.
  • Galearis Raf. (Syn .: Aceratorchis Schltr., Amerorchis Hultén, Aorchis Verm., Chondradenia Maxim. Ex F.Maek., Galeorchis Rydb. Nom. Superfl., Neolindleya Kraenzl.): The since 2009 about ten species are from the Himalayas to Russia's Far East and widespread from sub-arctic North America to the north-central and eastern United States; including:
  • Gennaria Parl .: Since 2015 it has contained two species, one of which occurs in the Canary Islands and the Mediterranean and the other occurs from Afghanistan to the Himalayas, Yunnan and southwestern India, including:
  • Handelwurzen ( Gymnadenia R.Br. , Syn .: Kohlröschen ( Nigritella Rich.))
  • Habenaria Willd .: The scope of this genus is controversial. In Raskoti et al. In 2019, the genus 891 species are broadly distributed and distributed almost worldwide. In addition to the terrestrially growing species usually found in this tribe, there are also some epiphytes.
  • Hemipilia Lindl. (Syn .: Hemipiliopsis YBLuo & SCChen): The eleven species that have been around since 2014 come from the Himalayas to central China and Taiwan.
  • Belt tongues ( Himantoglossum Spreng., Syn .: Barlia Parl., Comperia K. Koch, Loroglossum Rich.)
  • Herminium L. (Syn .: androcorys . Schltr, Bhutan Thera Renz, Cybele Falc. Frigidorchis ZJLiu & SCChen, monorchis seg. Monorchis Ehrh. Porolabium Tang & FTWang, Thisbe Falc.): They are since 2017 about 50 species in Eurasia spread.
  • Hsenhsua XHJin, Schuit. & WTJin: It was set up in 2014 and contains only one type:
    • Hsenhsua chrysea . (. WWSm) XHJin, Schuit, WTJin & LQHuang (Syn .: Habenaria chrysea . WWSm, Orchis chrysea .. (WWSm) Schltr, Ponerorchis chrysea . (WWSm) Soó, Chusua chrysea (WWSm) PFHunt.): You occurs only in Bhutan and northwestern Yunnan.
  • Keuschorchis ( Neotinea Rchb. F., Odontorchis D.Tyteca & E. Klein , Tinea Biv. Nom. Illeg.)
  • Ragwurzen ( Ophrys L., Syn .: Arachnites FWSchmidt, Myodium Salisb.)
  • Orchids ( orchis Tourn. Ex L., Syn .: Abrochis Neck., Aceras R.Br. , Androrchis D.Tyteca & E.Klein, Strateuma Salisb., Zoophora Bernh.)
  • Pecteilis Raf. (Syn: Hemihabenaria Finet, Parhabenaria Gagnep.): The ten species since 2019 occur in South and East Asia and in the Malay Archipelago.
  • Peristyle flower nom. cons. (Syn .: Choeradoplectron Schauer, Coeloglossum Lindl. Nom. Illeg., Digomphotis Raf., Glossaspis Spreng., Glossula Lindl., Lindblomia Fr.): The approximately 70 species are mainly found in tropical Asia.
  • Forest hyacinths ( Platanthera Rich. Nom. Cons. S. L., Syn .: Blephariglottis Raf., Conopsidium Wallr., Denslovia Rydb., Diphylax Hook. F., Diplanthera Raf. Nom. Illeg., Fimbriella Farw. Ex Butzin, Gymnadeniopsis Rydb., Limnorchis Rydb., Lysias Salisb., Lysiella Rydb., Mecosa Blume, Perularia Lindl., Piperia Rydb., Pseudodiphryllum Nevski, Sieberia Spreng., Tulotis Raf., Smithorchis Tang & FTWang): The approximately 130 species are mainly in Asia and North America widespread, there are few species in Europe and North Africa.
  • Ponerorchis Rchb. f. (Syn .: amitostigma . Schltr, Chusua Nevski, Mitostigma . Flower nom illeg. Neottianthe (Rchb) Schltr.. Phaniasia Blume ex Miq. Symphyosepalum Hand.-Mazz.): The approximately 51 species since 2017 are from Eastern Europe over West Asia , the Himalayas to China, northern Indo-China and Japan widespread.
  • Höswurz ( Pseudorchis Ség., Syn .: Bicchia Parl., Leucorchis E. Mey . Nom. Superfl., Polybactrum Salisb., Triplorhiza Ehrh.)
  • Satyrium Sw. nom. cons. (Syn .: Aviceps Lindl., Diplecthrum Pers., Hipporkis Thouars nom. Superfl., Satyridium Lindl.): The 90 species since 2017 are from tropical to southern Africa, on islands in the western Indian Ocean, on the Indian subcontinent and widespread in southern-central China.
  • Schizochilus Sond .: The ten or so species occur from eastern to southern Africa.
  • Tongues of the tongue ( Serapias L., Syn .: Isias De Not., Lonchitis Bubani, Serapiastrum Kuntze)
  • Sirindhornia HAPedersen & Suksathan: It was set up in 2003. The three species occur from south-central China to Indo-China.
  • Steveniella Schltr. (Syn .: Stevenorchis Wankow & Kraenzl. Nom. Illeg.): It contains only one species:
  • Stenoglottis Lindl .: Since 2011 there are about eight species in southern Africa.
  • Kugelorchis ( Traunsteinera Rchb., Syn .: Orchites Schur)
  • Tsaiorchis Tang & FTWang: The two species since 2014 occur from southern China to northern Vietnam.



  • Wei-Tao Jin, André Schuiteman, Mark W. Chase , Jian-Wu Li, Shih-Wen Chung, Tian-Chuan Hsu, Xiao-Hua Jin: Phylogenetics of subtribe Orchidinae sl (Orchidaceae; Orchidoideae) based on seven markers (plastid matK , psaB, rbcL, trnL-F, trnH-psba, and nuclear nrITS, Xdh): implications for generic delimitation. In: BMC Plant Biology , Volume 17, November 25, 2017, 222. doi : 10.1186 / s12870-017-1160-x
  • RM Bateman, AM Pridgeon, MW Chase: Phylogenetics of subtribe Orchidinae (Orchidoideae, Orchidaceae) based on nuclear ITS sequences. 2. Infrageneric relationships and reclassification to achieve monophyly of Orchis sensu stricto. In: Lindleyana , Volume 12, 1997 pp. 113-141.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Wei-Tao Jin, André Schuiteman, Mark W. Chase , Jian-Wu Li, Shih-Wen Chung, Tian-Chuan Hsu, Xiao -Hua Jin: Phylogenetics of subtribe Orchidinae sl (Orchidaceae; Orchidoideae) based on seven markers (plastid matK, psaB, rbcL, trnL-F, trnH-psba, and nuclear nrITS, Xdh): implications for generic delimitation. In: BMC Plant Biology , Volume 17, November 25, 2017, 222. doi : 10.1186 / s12870-017-1160-x full text PDF.
  2. a b Richard M. Bateman, Alec M. Pridgeon, Mark W. Chase: Phylogenetics of subtribe Orchidinae (Orchidoideae, Orchidaceae) based on nuclear ITS sequences. 2. Infrageneric relationships and reclassification to achieve monophyly of Orchis sensu stricto. In: Lindleyana , Volume 12, 1997 pp. 113-141.
  3. ^ Richard M. Bateman, Peter M. Hollingsworth, Jillian Preston, Luo Yi-Bo, Alec M. Pridgeon, Mark W. Chase: Molecular phylogenetics and evolution of Orchidinae and selected habenariinae (Orchidaceae). In: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , Volume 142, Issue 1, 2003, pp. 1-40, doi : 10.1046 / j.1095-8339.2003.00157.x
  4. a b Rafaël Govaerts, 2003: World Checklist of Monocotyledons Database in ACCESS : 1-71827. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Rafaël Govaerts (Ed.): Orchidaceae. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved July 11, 2020.
  5. a b c d e f Richard M. Bateman: Evolutionary classification of European orchids: the crucial importance of maximizing explicit evidence and minimizing authoritarian speculation. In: Journal Europäische Orchideen , Volume 41, 2009, pp. 243-318.
  6. a b Richard M. Bateman, Alexander Murphy, Peter Hollingsworth, Michelle Hart, Ian Denholm, Paula Rudall: Molecular and morphological phylogenetics of the digitate-tubered clade within subtribe Orchidinae ss (Orchidaceae: Orchideae). In: Kew Bulletin , Volume 73, December 2018. doi : 10.1007 / s12225-018-9782-1
  7. a b c Bhakta Bahadur Raskoti, Rita Ale: Molecular phylogeny and morphology reveal a new epiphytic species of habenaria (Orchidaceae; Orchideae; Orchidinae) from Nepal. In: PLoS One , Volume 14, Issue 10, 2019, October 23, 2019. doi : 10.1371 / journal.pone.0223355 online.
  8. a b c Wei-Tao Jin, Xiao-Hua Jin, Andre Schuiteman, De-Zhu Li, Xiao-Guo Xiang, Wei-Chang Huang, Jian-Wu Li, Lu-Qi Huang: Molecular systematics of subtribe Orchidinae and Asian taxa of habenariinae (Orchideae, Orchidaceae) based on plastid matK, rbcL and nuclear ITS. In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution , Volume 77, August 2014, pp. 41-53 doi : 10.1016 / j.ympev.2014.04.004

Web links

Commons : Orchidinae  - collection of images, videos and audio files