Mediterranean duck

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The Mediterranean Entente (also: Mediterranean Agreement , Orient Triple Alliance ) is an agreement that Great Britain and Italy concluded on February 12, 1887 with the mediation of Bismarck . Austria-Hungary joined the agreement on March 24, 1887, and Spain on May 4 .

The parties agreed to recognize the status quo in the Mediterranean . In practice, the agreement was directed against Russia's expansion in the Balkans and along the Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits . The existence of the Ottoman Empire was secured. In addition, Italy was strengthened against France .

Through the agreement, Bismarck succeeded in bringing Great Britain closer to the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy) without the German Empire itself becoming a member of the Mediterranean Entente. However, the deal soon became less important as Britain and Russia grew closer. After Wilhelm II had alienated the British with the Krüger dispatch , they dissolved the Mediterranean Entente in 1896.

Bismarck's mediation on the Mediterranean Agreement can also be seen in relation to the German-Russian reinsurance treaty . In the secret additional protocol to the reinsurance treaty, Bismarck promised Russia support in its expansion efforts. By brokering the Mediterranean Agreement, Bismarck did not violate the reinsurance treaty de jure , but it did violate the spirit of the Additional Protocol.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gregor Schöllgen: Imperialism and balance. Germany, England and the Oriental Question 1871-1914 , Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich 2000, ISBN 3-486-52003-2 , p. 23.