Oswald Bockstorffer

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Oswald Bockstorffer (* before 1481 in Memmingen ; † after 1510 ), also known as Heckstorfer, Bogstorfer, was a picture carver, glass painter, painter and artisan.

Oswald Bockstorffer was mentioned for the first time as a painter in Freiburg im Üechtland in 1493 in the judgment book of Basel . Bockstorffer was a citizen of Freiburg from 1495. He was there in the service of the St. Nikolaus construction works , where he repaired several windows and in 1503/1504 delivered a pane for the space above the Sebastian altar. In 1501 he lost a hand in a shooting accident. In the same year he was paid la belle fenêtre qu'on a placée à la chapelle , which chapel it was could not yet be determined. From 1502 he was the teacher of Hans Lobenast from Hof . For the cemetery chapel in Friborg he delivered a glass painting in 1503/1504 and a window to Farvagny in the canton of Valais in 1504 , which has not been preserved due to the later destruction of the church. He was paid for five windows in the mint in 1505. He was mentioned for the last time in 1510. He is considered to be the last glass painter in Freiburg who mastered monumental glass painting.



Individual evidence

  1. D. Burcklardt: Bogstorfer, Oswalt . In: Carl Brun (Ed.): Swiss Artist Lexicon . tape 1 : AG . Huber, Frauenfeld 1905, p. 169 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  2. Crucifix with movable arms. deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de.