Ozan Arif

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Ozan Arif (born June 10, 1949 in Alucra , Giresun as Arif Şirin ; died February 13, 2019 ) was a Turkish nationalist music producer and singer.


Ozan Arif wrote folk songs and supported with these the nationalist party of the nationalist movement (MHP) as well as the supporters of the gray wolves . His songs have been banned many times and are controversial.

After the military coup in Turkey on September 12, 1980, Ozan Arif had to leave Turkey on September 24 and moved to Frankfurt am Main , where he lived for eleven years. During these years he supported his party through concerts that took place in many countries. On September 5, 1991 he returned to his homeland Giresun.

On his 2006 album: Ak mı kara mı ? (“Hell oder Dunkel?”) He published the provocative song Adam değilmiş (“He was not a man”), in which he sings about someone whose name he does not mention. It is believed that he meant Devlet Bahçeli , the party leader of the MHP. This prompted protests from Bahçeli's side. In an interview, Arif complained that the Turkish national movement was being manipulated. He will continue to live according to the basic principle of Turkish nationalism and publish his songs.

In one of his television appearances, he visited the Turkish singer İsmail Türüt on his show Türüt Şov . There he sang some songs, including a. Karar Milletin - Apo asilsin mi asilmasin mi? (“The decision belongs to the people - Should Abdullah Öcalan be hanged or not?”) And Bir it vardi tutmuşlar Marmarise atmişlar. (“There was once a mutt that was grabbed and thrown into Marmaris.”) Ozan Arif and Ismail Türüt had to answer for these two songs in court. However, the pronounced death sentence was overturned in a later trial and Abdullah Öcalan was sentenced to life imprisonment in İmralı State Prison.

With the other song, he was accused of telling a short anecdote before singing the song Bir it vardi . This is about a wolf who is being chased by a dog that he did nothing to. He was charged with insulting the 7th President of Turkey, Kenan Evren , although he never mentioned his name.

For Ozan Arif, Alparslan Türkeş was a leading figure. He mentioned his platonic love for Türkeş in numerous songs, including one of his last titles: Öyle özledim ki . In this song he describes how much he missed him and that he wanted to die so that he could meet him again, even after death.

After Arif had written a text for Ismail Türüt in which the murder of Hrant Dink was allegedly approved, both stood on trial again in 2007, but were acquitted in 2009.

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