Educational review

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description Trade journal
Area of ​​Expertise pedagogy
language German
publishing company Peter Lang Publishing Group ( Switzerland )
First edition 1947
founder Joseph Antz , Bernhard Bergmann and Ilse Peters
Frequency of publication bi-monthly
Editors-in-chief Rudolf Lassahn and Birgit Ofenbach ( University of Koblenz-Landau )
Web link Website
ISSN (print)
ISSN (online)

The Pädagogische Rundschau is one of the leading educational journals in the German language and with an above-average international distribution, which has existed since 1947. It was founded by Joseph Antz , Bernhard Bergmann and Ilse Peters .

It is not linked to any association, foundation or institution and is not subsidized. With research articles, reports and discussions, the magazine represents the current state of education across disciplines and methods and promotes the transfer of science and the exchange of knowledge. It provides information on educational journalism and new scientific publications and offers educational scientists and young academics the opportunity to publish research results. The table of contents of the respective booklet is available online. Individual articles are accessible via the peDOCS document server . The journal is regularly evaluated in the "Social Science Literature Information System SOLIS " of the Social Sciences Information Center.

The magazine is published annually in six issues by the Peter Lang publishing group . The compilation of the booklets is in the hands of the editors composed by Rudolf Lassahn and Birgit Ofenbach at the University of Koblenz-Landau , Campus Landau. Both are co-editors at the same time. Other editors of the magazine are Volker Bank , Renate Hinz , Eckard König , Andreas Nießeler , Sabine Seichter (Austria) and Takahiro Tashiro (Japan).

Web links