Pablo Ardouin

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Pablo Ardouin Shand (* 1951 in Concepción , Chile ) is a Chilean folk musician and songwriter . He lives in Soltau .

life and work

Pablo Ardouin Shand was born in Concepción, in the south of Chile, in 1951. From 1972 to 1976 he studied sociology and music at the university there. In the years between 1970 and 1983, before he left the country for Europe, he made a name for himself in Chile as a singer-songwriter and creative artist.

In 1978, in the midst of the Pinochet dictatorship, he founded the Agrupación Cultural Concepción (ACC), the cultural association of the city, in the rooms of the university parish, and was its first chief until it was monopolized and instrumentalized by others for personal and party-political interests . The association spread singing, poetry, theater and alternative cinema and provided a roof for many artists in the area in their cultural struggle against the dictatorship.

As a songwriter, Ardouin won many prizes in various competitions and festivals between 1969 and 1980. Particularly noteworthy are:

  • 1969: First prize in the Dominican Choir Festival, Playa Ancha
  • 1970: Second prize in the Festival of the Original Song of Protest of the South, Salesian Sports Hall, Concepción
  • 1973: First prize at the Talagante folklore festival (together with the group “Pueblo Libre” - “Free People” - from Concepción)
  • 1975: First prize at the “Sea Festival”, Penco. First prize in the Yumbel folklore festival. First prize for composition and lecture in the “National University Singing Festival”, in the municipal theater of Viña del Mar.
  • 1976: two prizes for the best lecture and the best composition at the Festival of Patagonia, Punta Arenas

From 1975 onwards, Ardouin sang at almost all “Peñas” (folkloric events) in Santiago, Valparaíso and Concepción and was part of the permanent crew of the culture pub, along with “Uncle” Roberto Parra, Catalina Rojas, Dióscoro Rojas, El Canela and Rebeca Godoy Casona de San Isidro.

In January 1983 he left Chile via Peru and settled in Germany, where he still lives his voluntary diaspora. Here, too, he is known as a singer, guitarist, musician, composer, writer and cultural worker. He presented his works not only in various cities in Germany, but also in the United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, France, Denmark and Austria. In 1986 he founded the Latin American-German cultural association La Araña ("The Spider") together with other Chilean song and text artists in Frankfurt am Main, in order to give Latin American art, culture and music a space and dissemination.

In 1989, together with the German singer Renate van Boeckel, who later became his wife, he recorded his first production in Germany with his own songs: the long-playing record Pablo Ardouin & Entredós, songs between two cultures . In the relationship with Renate, his children Martín Alfredo and Winett Elena were born. In 1994 he founded the music group "Pablo Ardouin & Tango Efusión". In 1997 he developed a project in which he combined his music with poetry by Pablo Neruda and Federico García Lorca and theater. He performed this work, entitled Dove from the inside or the hand made of glass , together with the German actress Ricarda Klingelhoefel on various German stages.

In 1999 he founded the group “Pablo Ardouin Ensemble”, with whom he recorded the CD Perfecto amor (“Perfect Love”), with his own compositions and with arrangements by the musician Alejandro “Mota” Riquelme from Concepción. In November of the same year, the CD was named "CD of the month" by the Hessischer Rundfunk . With the group "Pablo Ardouin & Tango Efusión" he produced the CD Pablo Ardouin & Tango Efusión-Live , and together with them, with the Pablo Ardouin Ensemble and as a soloist, he appeared on various German radio and television programs.

In 2000, the daily " Frankfurter Rundschau " hired him as a writer and commentator for the weekly magazine, and he wrote his articles, stories and tales for the "Krauts" section. In the same year he recorded the CD Pablo Ardouin & Tango Efusion - Cantango at the Alte Oper in Frankfurt . In 2001, in the Bauerstudios Ludwigsburg, under contract with the record company Peregrinamusic , the CD Pablo Ardouin & Tango Efusión - Censurado ("Censored"), with arrangements by Alejandro "Mota" Riquelme was created. In 2007 he produced the CD Yo soy ("I am") in the Chakramusic studio with five previously unreleased songs. His stories and tales have appeared in the Frankfurter Rundschau and in various literary magazines and newspapers in Germany, both in German and in Spanish.


  • 1989: LP Entredos - songs between two cultures
  • 1999: CD Perfecto amor for Peregrina Music, in Bauer Studio - Ludwigsburg
  • 1999: CD Pablo Ardouin & Tango Efusion - live in the Brotfabrik, Frankfurt am Main
  • 2002: CD Pablo Ardouin & Tango Efusion - Cantango
  • 2004: CD Pablo Ardouin & Tango Efusión - Censurado
  • 2006: CD Pablo Ardouin-solo - Yo Soy
  • 2014: Pablo Ardouin CD "Orgías bombásticas". Sunrock Studios Brehme

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