Chong-kyu Park

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Park Chong-kyu ( 1930 - December 3, 1985 ) was a South Korean sports official who was involved in the award of the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul .


Park was trained with the United States Army Rangers between 1956 and 1958 . He then made a career in the South Korean secret service in the 1960s . Park Chong-kyu received the rank of cabinet member when he served as director general of the president's personal security between 1963 and 1974. He was a member of the South Korean parliament Gukhoe from 1978 to January 1980 .

Park has been active in sports politics since he took over the presidency of the South Korean Sport Shooting Association. A short time later, in 1970/1971, he also took over the presidency of the Asian Shooting Federation . Another career advancement was connected with the election as Vice President of the International Shooting Union . Park Chong-kyu was elected President of the South Korea Olympic Committee and the Korean Amateur Sports Association in 1979. This was also a consequence of the successful World Shooting Championship under Park's direction. His successes were the impetus for Seoul's application to host the Olympic Games .

Park Chong-kyu lost all positions as a result of the violent overthrow of the government in 1980. However, he was re-elected to office in December 1982 when he became President of the Association of Asian Sports Federations . In 1983 he became a member of the Seoul Olympic Organizing Committee , and the following year he became a member of the International Olympic Committee . On December 3, 1985, Park Chong-kyu became ill with cancer .
