Parliamentary elections in Italy 2013

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2008Election to the Chamber of Deputies in Italy 20132018
SEL / SI f
Gains and losses
compared to 2008
 % p
SEL / SI f
Template: election chart / maintenance / notes
f 2008: SA
In 2008, parts of the RC with SA and IdV competed alone.
2008Parliamentary elections in Italy 20132018
by coalition
right b
Gains and losses
compared to 2008
 % p
right b
Template: election chart / maintenance / notes
a 2008: center-left, except IdV , and SA
b 2008: center right and LD - FT
d 2008: UDC
Palazzo Montecitorio in Rome, seat of the Chamber of Deputies
Palazzo Madama in Rome, seat of the Senate

On February 24 and 25, 2013 the elections for the 17th legislative period of the two houses of the Italian Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies with its 630 members and the Senate (315 elected members), took place. The regular elections, which were scheduled to take place in April 2013, were brought forward after the resignation of the independent Prime Minister Mario Monti . On December 22, 2012, the parliament was dissolved by President Giorgio Napolitano and the election date was set. More than 46.9 million people were eligible to vote for the Chamber of Deputies and more than 42.2 million people for the Senate. While the center-left coalition of Pier Luigi Bersani has a majority and the center-right coalition of Silvio Berlusconi in the Chamber of Deputies , none of the coalitions or parties that entered into it could clearly prevail in the Senate. Beppe Grillo's MoVimento 5 Stelle movement was able to establish itself as the third major force, while Mario Monti's centrist coalition was only the fourth strongest. The unclear majorities in the Senate contributed to the fact that the formation of a government was difficult. The Letta cabinet was constituted on April 28, 2013 under Enrico Letta (PD).

Parties and candidates

The following groups were predicted to join the Chamber of Deputies in the polls:

In addition, the following parties competed throughout Italy:

The following parties competed at the regional level:

2013 election results

Chamber of Deputies

In the first chamber of parliament, Bersani's left-wing alliance has a wafer-thin majority with 29.55%, compared with Berlusconi's right-wing alliance with 29.18%. Mario Monti's alliance received 10.56% of the vote. Due to the bonus for the strongest alliance in the Chamber of Deputies provided for in Italian electoral law, Bersani has an absolute majority of 340 seats in this House of Parliament (out of a total of 630 seats), despite the narrow vote lead. For the Chamber of Deputies, the party of the top candidate Bersani received 8,644,523 votes from voters in Italy and 288,092 votes from Italians living abroad. Grillo's party received 8,689,458 votes plus 95,041 votes among Italians abroad. According to the Italian constitution, Italians living abroad have the same voting rights as their compatriots in Italy, in that they have both the right to vote and the right to stand.

The turnout for the Chamber of Deputies was 75.19%, five years earlier it was 80.51%.

International results

The participation of Italians living abroad in the election to the Chamber of Deputies was 29.75%. There were 12 seats to be distributed in the foreign constituencies. Bersani's PD received 29.32% and 5 seats, while Montis SC received 18.39% (2 seats). Berlusconi's PdL was elected by 14.84% (1 seat). The Movimento associativo italiani all'estero party received 14.30% of all votes and 2 seats. Beppe Grillo's party voted 9.37% (1 seat), in addition the Unione sudamericana emigrati italiani (USEI) received 4.48% and a seat in the House of Representatives.

Election results

The election results of the parties and alliances as of February 28, 2013, 10:37 a.m .:

2013 election results Chamber of Deputies (excluding the votes of Italians living abroad)
Party / alliance Votes (percent) 1
Italia. Bene Comune
  ( Pier Luigi Bersani )
Coalizione di centro-destra
  ( Silvio Berlusconi )
MoVimento 5 Stelle
  ( Beppe Grillo )
Con Monti per l'Italia
  ( Mario Monti )
1 all percentages without the Aosta Valley and without the international results
House of Representatives Seat distribution 2013 2
A total of 630 seats
  • Italia. Bene Comune: 345
  • Coalizione di centro-destra: 125
  • MoVimento 5 digit: 109
  • Con Monti per l'Italia: 47
  • Vallee d'Aoste: 1
  • Movimento Associativo Italiani all'Estero: 2
  • Unione Sudamericana Emigrati Italiani: 1
2 all seats including international results


After the election, there was no absolute majority of 158 seats for an alliance or coalition in the Senate. The Bersani and Berlusconi alliances achieved roughly a balance of votes with 123 and 117 seats respectively. A coalition between Bersani and Monti (19 seats) is not enough for an absolute majority. The situation changed in mid-November 2013 with the split in Berlusconi's alliance. 30 senators and 27 MPs have joined Angelino Alfano's new parliamentary group .

Beppe Grillo's party won 54 seats. Regional parties and alliances are also represented in the Senate. Vallée d'Aoste and the Movimento Associativo Italiani all'Estero each received a seat.

The Senate size of 315 seats is increased by additional senators for life (in February 2013 there were four).

The turnout for the Senate was around 75.11%; in 2008 it was around 80.40%.

International results

30.10% of the electorate took part in the election for the Senate. There were 6 seats to be distributed in the foreign constituencies. The PD von Bersani received 30.69% of the vote and thus 4 Senate seats. 19.81% voted for Mario Montis SC, she got a seat. The Movimento associativo italiani all'estero party elected 13.43% of the voters and thus also got a Senate seat.

Election results

The election results of the parties and alliances as of February 28, 2013, 10:37 a.m .:

Senate election results 2013
Party / alliance Votes (percent) 3
Italia. Bene Comune
  ( Pier Luigi Bersani )
Coalizione di centro-destra
  ( Silvio Berlusconi )
MoVimento 5 Stelle
  ( Beppe Grillo )
Con Monti per l'Italia
  ( Mario Monti )
3 all percentages without Trentino-Alto Adige, without the Aosta Valley and without the international results
Senate seat distribution 2013 4
A total of 315 seats
  • Italia. Bene Comune 5 : 123
  • Coalizione di centro-destra 5 : 117
  • MoVimento 5 digit: 54
  • Con Monti per l'Italia: 19
  • Vallee d'Aoste: 1
  • Movimento Associativo Italiani all'Estero: 1
4th all seats including international results
5 Trentino-South Tyrol : 2 seats SVP , 1 seat Alliance PD - SVP, 3 seats Alliance SVP - PATT - PD - UPT, 1 seat PdL - Lega Nord


According to this result, due to the bonus for the strongest electoral alliance provided for in the Italian electoral law, the center-left parties in the Chamber of Deputies have an absolute majority of 55% of the seats, but in the Senate the two alliances (as of 2013) can block each other because no alliance has an absolute majority. Pier Luigi Bersani's first attempt to form a government capable of holding a majority failed at the end of March after six days of exploratory talks.

After further unsuccessful talks with party representatives, President Napolitano announced at the beginning of April the deployment of a ten-person commission of experts made up of representatives from politics, business and the judiciary. This group, consisting of two groups based on the party programs, is supposed to work out important institutional reforms and economic measures within a maximum of ten days and thus support a rapprochement between the major parties. The following persons belong to the commission:

Since the expert commission has not yet achieved any success and the candidate for the Prime Minister of Italia. Bene Commune , Pier Luigi Bersani, resigned from his position as chairman of the PD, new elections are also being held out under the re-elected President Giorgio Napolitano.

On April 24, 2013, Napolitano, as re-elected president, gave Enrico Letta , vice-head of the Partito Democratico, the mandate to form a government .


The prices of stocks and stock indices (DAX, Eurostox, Nikkei, etc.) and the euro against other widely traded currencies (US dollar, British pound, yen) fell worldwide as the stalemate loomed. The interest rates on Italian government bonds rose.

Newspaper comments criticized the strong performance of the Europe-critical alliances: The Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote: “Two comedians ran for the election and were also rewarded for their slanderous shouting: Silvio Berlusconi and Beppe Grillo. […] Now populism, shouting and lies are reigning again. ”The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung read:“ Half of Italians voted for lists that were aggressively anti-European. This is an alarm signal beyond Italy. ”The FAZ feature section read:“ In Italy there is political chaos after the parliamentary elections. And that is exactly how the degenerate parties wanted it. Because now they can continue with their pillage of the land. "

The rating agency Moody's threatened to downgrade the country's creditworthiness if the reforms were not continued.

Italy (or the Dipartimento del Tesoro ) auctioned new government bonds amounting to 6.5 billion euros on February 27, 2013 (whoever offers the least interest wins the bid).

  • The interest on the ten-year paper rose to 4.83 percent (highest value since October 2012). Four weeks earlier, they were 4.17 percent.
  • Italy has to pay 3.59 percent (instead of 2.94 percent) interest for the five-year bonds.

Electoral system

In the election for the Chamber of Deputies with a total of 630 seats, 617 seats are distributed according to the Hare-Niemeyer procedure . The coalition or the non-coalition party with the most votes nationwide receives at least 340 seats and thus an absolute majority. The remaining seats are distributed proportionally to the other parties. Independently of this, the Aosta Valley receives one seat. 12 seats are elected by Italians living abroad.

In the election to the Senate , in which only at least 25-year-old Italians are actively eligible to vote, the total of 315 seats are awarded at regional level . In the region, the victorious coalition or individual party receives at least 55 percent of the region's seats; different provisions apply to Trentino-South Tyrol (7 Senators), Molise (2 Senators) and the Aosta Valley (1 Senator). 6 seats are elected by Italians living abroad. In addition to the 315 elected seats, the Senators will receive one Senate seat for life (four in February 2013). In contrast to the Chamber of Deputies, this does not guarantee an absolute majority in the Senate for the coalition or individual party with the most votes. The results of the regions can be decisive for the majority here.


According to coalition

Institute date MoVimento 5 Stelle
( Beppe Grillo )
Rivoluzione Civile
( Antonio Ingroia )
Italia. Bene Comune
(Pier Luigi Bersani)
Con Monti per l'Italia
(Mario Monti)
(Silvio Berlusconi)
Ipsos 0Feb 8, 2013 15.8 3.7 34.9 15.3 28.3 2.0
quorum 0Feb 8, 2013 14.7 3.9 34.5 13.9 29.5 3.5
Mentana 0Feb 8, 2013 16.0 3.5 35.0 14.1 28.5 2.9
Tecnè 0Feb 8, 2013 16.3 5.0 33.2 12.9 29.2 3.4
SWG 0Feb 8, 2013 18.8 4.1 33.8 13.4 27.8 2.1
Demos 0Feb 8, 2013 16.0 4.0 34.1 16.0 28.6 1.3
Ipsos 0Feb 7, 2013 15.9 3.7 35.2 14.8 28.3 2.1
ISPO 0Feb 7, 2013 14.3 4.2 37.2 12.9 29.7 1.7
Euromedia 0Feb 7, 2013 14.5 3.8 34.4 12.3 32.7 2.3
SpinCon 0Feb 7, 2013 12.5 5.9 32.2 11.2 29.8 8.4
Demopolis 0Feb 6, 2013 17.5 4.1 33.6 14.4 28.4 2.0
Tecnè 0Feb 6, 2013 16.3 5.2 33.1 12.6 29.4 3.4
SP 0Feb 6, 2013 14.9 5.5 34.0 10.2 28.0 7.4
Ipsos 0Feb 5, 2013 14.5 4.3 36.7 15.0 28.0 1.5
Tecnè 0Feb 5, 2013 16.1 4.9 33.3 13.0 29.3 3.6
Piepoli 0Feb 5, 2013 13.0 3.5 37.0 13.0 32.0 1.5
SWG 0Feb 5, 2013 18.0 4.9 33.6 13.3 28.1 2.1
Lorien 0Feb 5, 2013 14.8 4.7 35.2 13.4 29.8 2.1
IPR 0Feb 4, 2013 15.5 4.5 34.7 14.0 28.6 2.7
Datamonitor 0Feb 4, 2013 14.0 4.9 34.5 14.3 29.4 2.9
Piepoli 0Feb 4, 2013 11.0 4.0 37.0 15.0 30.0 3.0
Tecnè 0Feb 4, 2013 16.5 5.1 32.9 13.2 28.9 3.4
EMG 0Feb 4, 2013 14.5 4.6 35.9 14.6 27.9 2.5
Demopolis 0Feb. 2, 2013 16.5 4.3 34.1 15.4 28.0 2.0
SpinCon 0Feb. 2, 2013 11.5 5.8 32.3 11.5 30.5 8.4
Tecnè 0Feb. 1, 2013 16.0 4.6 34.3 13.3 28.6 3.2
SWG 0Feb. 1, 2013 18.0 5.0 32.8 14.2 27.8 2.2
TP 0Feb. 1, 2013 15.8 5.0 33.3 14.8 26.8 4.3
Lorien 0Feb. 1, 2013 13.9 4.5 35.6 14.0 29.7
Tecnè Jan. 31, 2013 15.7 4.2 33.7 15.1 28.9 3.2
quorum Jan. 31, 2013 14.9 4.7 33.6 13.8 28.7 3.5
Lorien Jan. 31, 2013 13.9 4.5 35.7 14.0 29.7 2.2
Tecnè Jan. 30, 2013 15.2 4.8 33.8 15.2 28.6 4.0
Demos Jan. 30, 2013 12.9 4.2 36.4 17.7 26.6 2.2
Ipsos Jan. 29, 2013 13.6 4.8 37.0 15.4 26.0 3.2
Tecnè Jan. 29, 2013 15.8 4.6 33.8 14.1 27.6 4.1
SP Jan. 29, 2013 11.9 6.1 34.7 11.6 28.2 7.5
Datamonitor Jan. 29, 2013 13.2 4.7 36.1 14.0 28.8 3.2
IPR Jan. 28, 2013 14.6 4.7 35.4 14.8 28.0 2.5
EMG Jan. 28, 2013 13.5 5.0 36.8 14.5 28.0 2.2
Euromedia Jan. 28, 2013 13.1 3.5 35.0 12.9 32.4 3.1
Tecnè Jan. 27, 2013 14.7 4.8 34.5 14.2 27.7 4.1
ISPO Jan. 27, 2013 13.6 4.8 36.7 14.4 26.3 4.2
SWG Jan. 25, 2013 17.2 5.4 34.1 12.8 26.6 3.9
Tecnè Jan. 23, 2013 14.5 4.7 34.8 15.1 27.6 3.3
SpinCon Jan. 23, 2013 10.9 5.9 32.7 12.0 30.8 7.7
Tecnè Jan. 22, 2013 14.2 4.6 35.5 15.2 27.0 3.5
EMG Jan. 21, 2013 12.8 4.6 37.1 15.2 28.0 2.3
Datamonitor Jan. 21, 2013 12.8 4.2 37.5 13.7 28.5 3.8
SpinCon Jan. 18, 2013 10.7 5.6 32.0 12.2 31.8 7.7
SWG Jan. 18, 2013 16.8 5.4 33.0 13.7 27.2 3.9
Tecnè Jan. 17, 2013 13.6 4.5 36.9 15.3 26.0 3.7
Tecnè Jan. 16, 2013 13.8 4.2 37.0 15.4 25.9 3.7
Piepoli Jan. 16, 2013 10.0 4.0 40.0 14.0 30.0 2.0
Lorien Jan. 16, 2013 12.5 5.6 36.5 15.6 27.0 2.8
Bidimedia Jan. 16, 2013 13.6 5.0 38.1 12.3 27.3 3.7
Ipsos Jan 15, 2013 12.5 4.8 39.0 16.0 25.6 2.1
Euromedia Jan 15, 2013 10.5 4.0 38.3 11.0 34.2 2.0
Tecnè Jan 15, 2013 14.2 4.1 37.5 14.8 26.3 3.1
Datamonitor Jan 15, 2013 12.8 4.7 38.0 13.0 28.3 3.2
IPR Jan. 14, 2013 12.0 4.0 36.5 15.0 28.5 4.0
ISPO Jan. 14, 2013 12.6 4.4 36.3 15.5 29.2 2.0
EMG Jan. 14, 2013 12.1 5.2 37.4 14.8 27.9 2.6
Tecnè Jan. 13, 2013 14.3 4.3 37.8 14.5 26.0 3.1
Tecnè Jan. 11, 2013 14.4 4.0 39.5 15.1 24.6 2.4
SWG Jan. 11, 2013 15.9 4.5 34.9 13.8 25.3 5.6
Euromedia Jan. 10, 2013 12.3 4.4 38.5 10.5 30.7 3.6
Tecnè Jan. 10, 2013 14.0 4.4 39.3 15.2 24.5 2.6
Tecnè 0Jan. 9, 2013 14.1 3.7 40.3 15.1 24.3 2.5
ISPO 0Jan. 9, 2013 13.2 4.0 38.0 15.1 26.7 3.0
Lorien 0Jan. 9, 2013 13.4 4.3 37.0 14.6 26.8 3.9
Piepoli 0Jan. 8, 2013 10.0 4.0 41.0 14.0 29.0 2.0
Tecnè 0Jan. 8, 2013 14.4 4.1 39.6 15.1 24.6 2.2
Ipsos 0Jan. 8, 2013 12.5 5.5 39.8 17.6 23.1 1.5
IPR 0Jan. 8, 2013 13.0 2.0 38.0 16.0 27.0 4.0
Tecnè 0Jan. 6, 2013 15.7 3.4 39.9 14.3 24.8 1.9
ISPO 0Jan. 6, 2013 13.5 2.5 39.5 14.0 27.5 3.0
SP 0Jan. 6, 2013 13.0 5.7 33.0 13.1 27.6 7.6
Tecnè 0Jan. 4, 2013 16.4 3.8 40.4 12.4 25.3 1.7
Tecnè 0Jan. 3, 2013 16.3 3.7 40.3 12.0 25.8 1.9
Tecnè 0Jan. 2, 2013 16.0 3.8 40.9 12.0 25.4 1.9
Piepoli 0Jan. 1, 2013 11.0 5.0 42.0 12.0 28.0 2.0
MoVimento 5 Stelle
(Beppe Grillo)
Rivoluzione Civile
(Antonio Ingroia)
Italia. Bene Comune
(Pier Luigi Bersani)
Con Monti per l'Italia
(Mario Monti)
(Silvio Berlusconi)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Ministero dell'Interno: Elezioni 2013. politiche e regionali del 24 e 25 Febbraio. February 26, 2013, archived from the original on April 13, 2013 ; Retrieved February 26, 2013 (Italian).
  2. see also Italian Wikipedia
  3. see also Italian Wikipedia
  4. Berlusconi wants to become Minister of Economics. In: ZEIT ONLINE. January 7, 2013, accessed February 18, 2013 .
  5. Elezioni politiche 2013. In: . 2013, archived from the original on April 7, 2013 ; Retrieved February 18, 2013 (Italian).
  6. 'Fermare il declino' diventa partito. In: Corriere della Sera. December 19, 2012, accessed February 18, 2013 (Italian).
  7. ( Memento from February 18, 2013 in the web archive )
  8. FunnyKing: Le Interviste di Rischio Calcolato: ESCLUSIVA, Roberto Fiore, Leader di Forza Nuova. In: Rischio Calcolato. November 21, 2012, accessed February 18, 2013 (Italian).
  9. ^ Freedom: "Are the only guarantee for South Tyrol". In: Südtirol Online. January 8, 2013, archived from the original on February 25, 2013 ; Retrieved February 18, 2013 .
  10. [1] , Huffington Post, March 1, 2013
  11. (November 16, 2013) Berlusconi's ministers switch to Alfano
  12. State crisis in Italy: Bersani fails to form a government at Spiegel Online , March 28, 2013 (accessed on March 29, 2013).
  13. Kitzler, Jan-Christoph: Ten days for the ten "wise men" ( Memento from April 4, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) at, April 2, 2013 (accessed on April 2, 2013).
  14. Spina, Romina: Napolitano's surprising move at, April 2, 2013 (accessed April 2, 2013).
  15. ^ I dieci 'saggi', chi sono gli uomini scelti da Giorgio Napolitano at, April 1, 2013 (accessed April 2, 2013).
  16. Napolitano issues government mandate: Enrico Letta to become Italy's new head of government at, April 24, 2013 (accessed April 24, 2013).
  17. ssu / dpa / Reuters: Election chaos in Rome: Italy stalemate pushes stock exchanges worldwide into the red. In: Spiegel Online from February 26, 2013
  18. Political stalemate in Rome: Italy's chaos election becomes a danger for Europe. In Spiegel Online on February 26, 2013
  19. Italy election puts pressure on bonds. In: Zeit Online from February 26, 2013
  20. Stefan Kornelius: Populism, shouting and lies rule. In: from February 25, 2013
  21. Günther Nonnenmacher: An alarm signal. In: from February 25, 2013
  22. February 27, 2013: It is just desperate
  23. ^ Spiegel Online: Warning from Moody's: Rating agency threatens Italy with downgrading
  24. Homepage:
  25. Italy pays electoral chaos with higher interest rates