Paul Collart

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Paul Collart (born April 19, 1902 in Geneva ; † September 8, 1981 in Geneva ) was a Swiss archaeologist , papyrologist and photographer .


Paul Collart was the son of the architect Louis Collart. He studied at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Geneva and obtained his humanities degree in 1924 and his Dr. in genf.

He was appointed associate professor of archeology and ancient history in 1946 and full professor at the University of Lausanne in 1950 . In addition, he worked from 1940 to 1950 as associate professor of ancient history at the University of Geneva, from 1950 to 1963 as full professor. In 1963 he became director of the Istituto Svizzero di Roma and stayed there until 1970.

In 1953 he was commissioned by UNESCO to inventory the cultural assets of Syria and Lebanon .

Paul Collart was married to Madeleine, daughter of the chemist Auguste Mansion.

Participation in excavations

From 1938 to 1940 he was involved in the excavations in the Macedonian Philippi and in Baalbek in Lebanon.

From 1954 to 1956, at the request of the Director of the Administration of Antiquities in Syria, Henri Seyrig , he led excavations at the Baalschamin Temple in Palmyra . This resulted in the first large Swiss excavation abroad; it was financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation .

Photographic work

From his travels around the Mediterranean , which he undertook between 1928 and 1970, Collart brought back thousands of photo negatives that were not only of archaeological but also of ethnographic value; they testify to the socio-economic changes in the countries of southern Europe and the Middle East .

After Paul Collart's death in 1981, his heirs gave their father's photographic collection to Pierre Ducrey from the University of Lausanne. Ducrey, then Dean of the Philosophical Faculty, commissioned the University's Institute of Archeology and Classical Studies to set up a Paul Collart Archive. An inventory and a catalog of the photographic collection were created and digitization of the material handed over was started. Between 2003 and 2007, over three thousand original negatives were digitized. The archive consists of 38 albums, 4,000 black and white photographs and 1,000 not yet digitized photographs, documentation from 190 sites, 100 original drawings, 500 letters and 20 excavation booklets.

Temple of Baalshamin in Palmyra

The scientific results of the excavations as well as the available photographs from Palmyra became an important source for the documentation of the eventual reconstruction of the Baal Temple, which was destroyed with explosives in 2015. Currently (2019) it is planned to use the photographs and recordings of Paul Collart to create a digital 3- To create a D model of the Baalschamin Temple and to make it accessible to the public with Open Access.


Awards and honors

Fonts (selection)

  • Les papyrus bouriant par Paul Collart agrégé de l'Université Professeur au lycée pasteur . Librairie ancienne honoré champion éditeur Édouard Champion 5, Paris 1926.
  • Les papyrus grecs d'Achmîm à la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris. LeCaire Impr. De l'Inst. Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 1930.
  • Nonnos de Panopolis études sur la composition et le texte des Dionysiaques. Le Caire, Impr de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1930.
  • Philippes: ville de Macédoine depuis ses origines jusqu'à la fin de l'époque romaine. E. de Boccard, Paris 1937.
  • with Pierre Coupel : L'Autel monumental de Baalbek. P. Geuthner, Paris 1951.
  • with Maurice Chehab, Armando Dillon: Liban: aménagement de la ville de Tripoli et du site de Baalbek, rapport de la mission envoyée par l'UNESCO en 1953, Paul Collart, chef de mission, Emir Maurice Chehab et Armando Dillon . UNESCO (Tours, impr. De Arrault), Paris 1954.
  • Le Sanctuaire de Baalshamîn à Palmyre. Institut suisse de Rome, Rome 1969.
  • Mélanges d'histoire ancienne et d'archéologie offerts à Paul Collart. Bibliothèque historique vaudoise, Lausanne 1976.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Collections | | Paul Collart: A Swiss Archaeologist and Photographer in the Middle East and North Africa. Retrieved September 23, 2019 .
  2. ^ Fund photographique Paul Collart - Unimedia. Retrieved September 23, 2019 (fr-fr).
  3. How the "Islamic State" bombs its history. Retrieved September 23, 2019 .
  4. Lausanne archaeologists reconstruct Palmyra temple with VR - thanks to the huge archive of Paul Collart. In: Video on YouTube . Retrieved September 23, 2019 .
  5. Le projet Collart-Palmyre - Projet Collart-Palmyre. Retrieved September 23, 2019 (fr-fr).