Perevolochna (Poltava)

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Perevolochna ( Ukrainian and Russian Переволочна ) was a settlement in the central Ukrainian district of Kobeljaky ( Poltava Oblast ) near the village of Swiltohirske . It was near the mouth of the Worskla River at a ford through the Dnieper . The location also explains the name of the place, which can be traced back to the Russian word for "dragging over". In the course of the construction of the Dniprodzerzhynsk reservoir in 1964, the population was resettled and the area flooded.


Location on July 11, 1709

Perevolochna was founded at the end of the 14th century by the Lithuanian Grand Duke Witold as part of a chain of fortified settlements. These had the task of securing his empire against the Tatars and other cavalry peoples invading from the east, which he defeated in the battle of the Worskla in 1399 . 1638 Perevolochna has 426 inhabitants and 10 mill wheels.

In the wake of the Northern War , on June 30th jul. / July 1, Sweden / July 11, 1709 greg. Three days after the crushing defeat of the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava , the remnants of the Swedish troops under Adam Ludwig Lewenhaupt overtook the Russians under General Alexander Danilowitsch Menshikov near the town , whereupon a large part of the Swedish army surrendered . The Swedish King Charles XII. In contrast , the Ukrainian ataman Iwan Masepa and Kost Hordijenko were able to cross the Dnepr at the ford with 3000 Swedes and Cossacks and find refuge in Ottoman Moldova .

In 1753 the place consisted of 84 farms, 53 of which were Cossacks and 30 of which were ferrymen. At the end of the 19th century there were 1681 inhabitants in the village.

Sons and daughters of the place