Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act

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The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act , PRWORA for short, or Welfare Bill , is a federal law in the USA that changes social welfare , i.e. H. all state benefits that correspond to German social assistance, basic security , unemployment benefit II (" Hartz IV ") etc.

Major changes

Jointly supported by Republicans and Democrats , the bill was passed by the United States Congress in 1996 during Bill Clinton's presidency . It replaced the since 1935 existing Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC).

The first major change is that the monetary benefit is independent of the number of children. The second major change is that after a few years the service ceases unconditionally ; H. It doesn't matter whether the person in question has a job or not.

Before signing the bill, which was passed by both Houses of Congress, Bill Clinton commented on its intent:

"Everyone who can work must be forced to earn a living ... We say to the welfare recipients: we expect you to find a job within two years and to earn your own wage packet, that is to say no more social welfare payments from the state."

The law ended the federal guarantee, which had existed for more than six decades, to provide funds for social assistance for life. The receipt of social assistance may not exceed a total of five years. The aid can be purchased as a whole or in time increments, but not for longer than two years. Afterwards, the recipient is required to look for a job, even if it does not correspond to the qualifications of the respective social welfare recipient.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bassam Tibi : “Europe without Identity? Leading culture or arbitrary values ​​”, Goldmann, Munich 2001, p. 303.