Peter Preses

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Tomb of Peter Preses in the Neustift cemetery

Peter Preses (born October 29, 1907 in Vienna ; † July 10, 1961 there ) was an Austrian actor, theater director and writer. He is best known as co-author of the play Der Bockerer (together with Ulrich Becher ), which is the basis of the film of the same name by Franz Antel , one of the greatest Austrian film successes of the post-war period.


Since 1934 Preses participated in the resistance against National Socialism in Vienna by countering nationalist ideas with satirical and cabaret programs. In 1938 he emigrated to London , where he was active in the Laterndl cabaret in exile from 1939 . The motif of his works and pieces was always a free and independent Austria. In 1943 Preses went into exile in New York . There he met Ulrich Becher, and together they wrote the play Der Bockerer in New York . Preses returned to Vienna in 1946. Der Bockerer was published as a work in the same year; the world premiere took place in 1948 at Scala Vienna . Until his death, Preses worked at the Vienna Theater in the Josefstadt .

Preses' honorary grave is located in the Neustift cemetery in Vienna (group 7, row 11, number 10).



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Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Benz (Ed.): Handbook of Antisemitism . tape 7 : literature, film, theater and art. De Gruyter, Berlin, Munich, Boston 2015, ISBN 978-3-11-025873-8 , pp. 42 ff . ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. ^ Theater booklet "Der Bockerer" by Ulrich Becher and Peter Preses. Trachtenverein Schloßbergler Valley, accessed on August 15, 2018 (PDF; 505 KB).