Petrus Suawe

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Petrus Suawe (also: Peter Swawe, Peder Svave, Peter Schwabe, Suave ; * 1496 in Stolp , † March 16, 1552 in Gjorslev ) was a German Lutheran theologian who became a Danish diplomat.


Suawe came from the noble Pomeranian family Schwawe , also called Suave or Schwabe. Born the son of Georg Schwabe and Elisabeth Zitzewitz , as a younger son he was destined to become a clergyman. After attending school in Stolp and Stettin , he studied at the Old University of Leuven , and in the summer semester of 1517 he was matriculated at the University of Leipzig .

In 1519 he was in the retinue of the Pomeranian Prince Barnim IX. who studied at the University of Wittenberg . He was one of the participants in the tour group that accompanied Luther to the Diet in Worms in 1521. The tour group was u. a. from Hieronymus Schurff , a lawyer from Wittenberg who was commissioned by Elector Friedrich the Wise , Justus Jonas , a lawyer from Erfurt and lawyer for the Reformers, Johannes Zacharias Petzensteiner , an Augustinian monk, and Jakob Luther, his brother. Suawe was in direct contact with Martin Luther , was there on his return trip, but separated from him before his kidnapping near Eisenach .

After Suawe had brought the news of the events to Wittenberg, he went to the Belbuck Monastery , where he took over Johannes Bugenhagen's work and was lecturer for the monks of the monastery. Seized by the events of the Wittenberg movement , he left the monastery at the end of 1522 and went to Stolp, where he appeared as a preacher of the new evangelical doctrine. This aroused the displeasure of Bishop Erasmus von Manteuffel-Arnhausen , who had Suawe and his Belbruck abbot Johann Boldewan arrested. However, Suawe was soon released again, went to the University of Greifswald in 1523 , worked there as a lecturer and became one of the first disseminators of Protestant ideas there.

But he didn't stay there long either. At the beginning of 1525 he entered the service of the Danish King Frederick I and initially taught his sons. In particular, he was the "taskmaster", that is, educator and teacher, of the later Duke Hans the Elder of Schleswig-Holstein-Hadersleben. After Suawe had written a pamphlet against Christian II of Denmark , the king made him a diplomat abroad because of his good knowledge of the Latin language. He became royal councilor and chamber secretary. From 1535 he was also the envoy for his successor, Christian III. , active.

As a diplomatic envoy, he was active at all important prince, royal and imperial courts of his time. His activities in the office were mainly in the establishment of the evangelical orientation of Denmark in his time. At the same time, he also received a professorship at the University of Copenhagen in this context , without, however, demonstrably giving lectures. He became one of the university's conservators and was its rector in 1530/1531 and 1543/1544.

In recognition of his work, he received the deanery of the cathedral church in Roskilde on November 1, 1535 , received a farm in 1539, an estate in Gjorslev in 1540 and became a councilor in 1548. Through his marriage to Else, the daughter of Moritz Skave and Elline Bille, he found access to the Danish nobility.


  • Serenissimi Domini, D. Friderici Daniae, Norvegiae regis, Slesvici, Holsatiae, Stormarniae ducis, ... ad Christierni patruelis calumnias responsio. 1525.
