Philharmonic Choir Bonn

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Philharmonic Choir Bonn
Philchor Signet.png
Seat: Bonn / Germany
Founding: 1852
Genus: mixed choir
Head : Paul Kramer
Voices : SATB
Website :

The Philharmonic Choir of the City of Bonn eV was founded in 1852 under the name "Städtischer Gesangsverein" as a merger of various Bonn music associations. The first director and conductor of the choral society was Wilhelm Joseph von Wasielewski .

As a semi-professional ensemble, the choir has remained true to its tradition in maintaining the choral symphonic repertoire. Participation in Bonn's municipal choir concerts is, as before, his main task. In addition to the city concerts under the direction of the Bonn General Music Director, performances with well-known guest conductors such as Gerd Albrecht , Gary Bertini , James Conlon , Bernhard Klee , Michael Schoenwand , Peter Gülke and Esa-Pekka Salonen are among the highlights of the choir's musical work.

In addition to maintaining the traditional repertoire, the choir, under the direction of Thomas Neuhoff, developed large choral works from the 20th century a.d. a. " The Dream of Gerontius ", " The Apostles " and " The Kingdom " by Edward Elgar as well as Frederick Delius ' "A Mass of Life", performed for the 150th anniversary of the choir in 2002.

Artistic director

Individual evidence

  1. Chronicle of the choir on its homepage