Philipp Friedrich Wilhelm Vogt

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Philipp Friedrich Wilhelm Vogt (born February 8, 1789 in Hausen near Gießen , † February 1, 1861 in Bern ) was a German-Swiss medic.


Vogt studied medicine at the Ludoviciana in Giessen. In 1807 he became a member of the Corps Franconia Giessen. He completed his studies in 1812 with a doctorate. In 1817 he became a full professor of medicine in Giessen. He did research in the field of pharmacodynamics and toxicology . Politically, he belonged to the liberals. After the July Revolution in Paris in 1830, he founded a reading club. Through his marriage to Louise Follen he was the brother-in-law of the founders of the fraternities Adolf Ludwig and Karl Follen . He was able to avoid the threatened political persecution in 1834 by accepting a professorship in medicine at the newly founded University of Bern , which he held until his death.

All of his children were politically active in the interests of their father. Carl was a member of the Paulskirche and later politically active in Switzerland. Gustav Vogt (1829–1901) taught law at the University of Bern and was editor-in-chief. Emil Vogt (1820–1883) was a lawyer. Adolf Vogt (1823–1907) was Professor of Hygiene in Bern. His daughter Luise married Hans Kudlich , who took part in the October uprising in Vienna in 1848 and in the Palatinate uprising and, like many other democrats persecuted in Germany, had found refuge in his house.


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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 49/144