Pierre Adolphe Lesson

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Pierre Adolphe Lesson

Pierre Adolphe Lesson (born May 24, 1805 in Rochefort ; † May 16, 1888 ibid) was a French doctor, anthropologist and naturalist.

Live and act

His father René Clément Lesson (1760–1844), an employee of the naval office, married Marie Eustelle b. Nicoleau (1768– ??). His older brother René Primevère Lesson (1794–1849) was also a famous naturalist.

In his early childhood, Adolphe Lesson initially trained as a carpenter. When he was admitted to the École de médecine navale de Rochefort on May 16, 1821 , his career as a doctor began. From April 1823 to May 1824 he studied surgery there and got his first job on May 16, 1824 as a third-class surgeon. He was promoted to second class surgeon on July 7, 1827.

In April 1825 he went on a trip for the first time and accompanied the Gabarre La Durance , under the direction of the captain Vincent-Marie Moulac (1794-1849) to Newfoundland . This returned to Brest on November 25, 1825 . In a letter published in the Journal des voyages , Lesson described his impressions of this trip.

In April 1826, Jules Dumont d'Urville set out on a second voyage with the Astrolabe (formerly La Coquille ) from Toulon , with the aim of finding the lost wrecks of Jean-François de La Pérouse's two ships . On board was Adolphe Lesson, who served as ship's doctor and botanist. In addition, the team of Charles Hector Jacquinot (1796–1879), Jean René Constant Quoy (1790–1869), Joseph Paul Gaimard (1793–1858), Victor Charles Lottin (1795–1858), Victor Amédée Gressien (1798–1880) , Pierre-Édouard Guilbert (1800–1866), and Édouard Paris (1806–1893). First it went via Gibraltar to Tenerife .

On May 25th, the anchor was dropped off Algeciras . After staying until June 6th, they reached Santa Cruz de Tenerife on June 14th . Here you climbed the Teide before setting off for the Cape Verde Islands on June 21st . After the astrolabe had passed Sal and Maio , they reached the island of Santiago on the 29th .

Already on June 30th they set sail again and on July 31st they reached the rock formation Martin's Bay on the east coast of Barbados and Trinidad . As the following weeks were marked by storms and thunderstorms, the captain decided to call at King George Sound because of damage to the ship caused by the storms . On August 2, the ship passed the Tropic of Capricorn . Finally, on October 5th, they reached Hamelin Bay and Cape Leeuwin . At D'Entrecasteaux National Park over one came on October 7 at King George Sound and dropped anchor. They gathered here for seventeen days and decided to continue their journey on October 26th. The ship sailed between Michaelmas Island and Breaksea Island , so that the way to Tasmania led. Along the coast they saw Arthur's Seat and anchored in Western Port on November 12th . On November 14th, the crew examined Phillip Island . On November 19th they set sail again and one day later they saw Rodondo Island . Cape Howe came into view on November 24th. Along the coast, the next destination was Crookhaven before reaching Port Jackson on December 2nd .

The corvette left Port Jackson on December 19, 1826 for New Zealand and on January 10, 1827, Cape Foulwind was first seen on New Zealand soil. They sailed along the coast until they finally reached Tasman Bay on January 14th , which Dumont called Astrolabe Bay . The crew gathered here until January 22nd and then set off through the dangerous area of ​​the French Pass towards Admiralty Bay . They arrived here on January 28th. From Cloudy Bay , in which they anchored on January 29, the north east coast to the Waihou was measured from January 30 to February 8 . The Astrolabe explored all the channels in the Firth of Thames . On March 6th they reached the area of ​​the Bay of Islands and circumnavigated the northern cape of New Zealand with Cape Reinga over the next two days . It went back to the Bay of Islands, where they anchored until March 19th. On March 19, the captain lifted the anchor again to reach Tongatapu in 12 days , but a calm caused them to stay on the coast of New Zealand for another 12 days. On April 2nd, 3rd and 4th they passed Curtis Island , Macauley Island and Raoul Island . On April 9th, the ship reached Pangai .

The astrolabe sailed north of New Zealand past the Kermadec Islands and reached ʻEua on April 18, 1827 . Here she was attacked by Tongans , killing one man. After anchoring in Tongatapu, it was the Fiji archipelago that was explored in June 1827 . It went on via New Britain and New Guinea and the astrolabe reached Ambon in October . November was spent on the northwest coast of Australia. On December 16, the ship stopped in Hobart . Here the researchers studied Tasmania.

On January 5, 1828, the astrolabe left Hobart to explore the islands and to follow in the footsteps of Peter Dillon (1788–1847) in search of the lost wrecks of de La Pérouse. On February 10, the corvette reached Tikopia . After a fruitless search by the Prussian Martin Buchert , his wife and the East Indian sailor Joe, the next landing site was Vanikoro on February 14th . The day was used to examine the island as well. Because the westerly winds prevented entry into the bay, the captain decided to call at the Taumako Islands . The attempt failed and on February 21st they returned to Vanikoro to land in Manieve Bay. The wreck of La Pérouse was finally found on the other side of the island. Dumont d'Urville had a monument built in Manieve Bay in memory of Jean-François de La Pérouse , which was inaugurated on March 14, 1828 with three volleys of muskets . On March 15, the corvette left port in Manieve Bay. Bad wind conditions meant that the ship did not go out to sea again until March 19 . One can only speculate about the further travel route of the Astrolabe , since Dumont D'Urville became seriously ill. Dumont D'Urville himself suspected that they sailed via New Ireland, further over the Moluccas or the Philippines, past northern New Guinea . They actually wanted to go through Torres Street , but the condition of the crew was so bad that they refrained from doing this. So it went on to Guam , where the team was supposed to recover. After another unsuccessful attempt to find Tongatapu again, the ship set out for Marianne Island on March 26th . Already on May 13th we went on to Ambon via some islands , which we reached on July 10th. From there, Fort Amsterdam was the next destination and on August 29th they reached Batavia . On September 29th, the Astolabe arrived on the Île de France . The journey finally ended on March 25, 1829 in Toulon.

After this trip, Lesson was ordered to Paris and together with Achille Richard published the first volume on the botanical part of the journey with the Astrolabe . From the publication went u. a. Aster furfuraceus , a name now known as Olearia furfuracea , Carex punctulata, a synonym for Carex pseudocyperus and the species Luzula picta . Lesson was awarded the Knight's Cross (Chevalier) of the Legion of Honor on April 26, 1831 . In 1837 his dissertation on dysentery was published , especially while traveling with the astrolabe .

After two short trips with the two-master Mayenne , Lesson went on board the two-master Hussard in July 1834 , which was under the direction of Captain Claude de Cambray . With the Hussard he traveled along the Spanish coast in 1834, in Newfoundland and Saint-Pierre and Miquelon in 1835 and in the Antilles and the Gulf of Mexico from 1836 to 1837 .

On March 20, 1839, the two-master Le Pylade set out on a research and mission trip to Tahuata under the captain Félix Bernard . Lesson served as a ship's doctor with the rank of major on the voyage . The journey took them via Santa Catarina , La Plata , Montevideo , Valdivia , Chiloé , Concepción , Valparaíso , Lima , the Marquesas , the Gambier Islands , the Sandwich Island , the Society Islands , San Carlos , El Realejo , Acapulco and back to Rio de Janeiro . On April 29, 1840, the pylade reached Tahuata to inquire about the local missionaries . Bernard also wanted to build a church here in honor of Maria Amalia of Naples-Sicily . On June 10, 1840 he was promoted to first class surgeon.

Lesson brought his brother 700 bird hides from the trip, some of which were new to science. There were also two new croissants in the collection. He also brought 500 terrestrial and fluvial mussel species from the coastal areas from Chiloé to California with him.

Despite poor health, Lesson was called to the Marquesas on January 27, 1843 , where he arrived on October 27. The then captain Armand Joseph Bruat (1796–1855), who had been governor of Oceania and Tahiti since April 1843 , made him head of health in the French administration of Oceania in June 1844. The period between 1844 and 1846 was marked by epidemics and typhus as well as by uprisings around Queen Pomaré IV , the expulsion of the British pastor George Pritchard (1796-1883) in March 1844 and the associated recognition of French patronage . Lesson served in Oceania as a member of the Court of Appeal , member of the Colony's Supreme Council and later a member of the Governing Council. On December 30, 1846 he was promoted to second senior physician. A persistent urological illness led him to request his return to France. Nevertheless, he could not leave Papeete until November 1849, after six years in Oceania. After his return to Paris he could no longer work because of his ailments and retired on May 10, 1854 after 31 years. With the anthropologist Ludovic Martinet he published the four-volume work Les Polynésiens: leur origine, leurs migrations, leur langage . Voyage aux iles Mangarera (Océanie) appeared as early as 1846 with comments from his brother. Vanikoro et ses habitants followed in 1876 . He has also published articles in the journals Bulletin de la sociéte de géographie de Rochfort and Revue d'anthropologie .

He bequeathed his atlases and maps as well as his extensive collection of shells to the Société de Géographie de Rochefort . After a review by his friends Léon Savatier and Léon Ardouin (–1909), his books and manuscripts went to the Rochfort City Library. The Mayor of Rochefort Paul Charron (1832-1905) gave a eulogy at his funeral.

Dedication names

In 1842 his brother described the diadem motmot ( Momotus lessonii ) anew for science, which he dedicated to Adolphe. In Psittacus or Psittacula lessoni , a name that was also awarded in his honor, is a synonym for the Ultramarine Lorikeet ( Vini ultra marina ( Kuhl , 1820)). In addition, RP Lesson named a hummingbird Trochilus Adolphei in 1843 , which is now considered a synonym for a subspecies of the red dwarf shadow hummingbird ( Phaethornis ruber nigricinctus Lawrence , 1858). In Dromicus lessonii Lesson, RP , 1844, is a synonym for the Orange-throated plover ( Oreopholus ruficollis ( Wagler , 1829)). Also Picus lessonii , a synonym for the royal woodpecker ( Campephilus guatemalensis ( Hartlaub , 1844)), was dedicated to him.

In Macroxus adolphei Lesson, RP 1844 is the variegated squirrel subtype ( Sciurus variegatoides adolphei ).

The New Zealand wind grass ( Anemanthele lessoniana ) is a new name for Agrostis procera, a name that Lesson and Achille Richard used in their botanical section of Voyage de la corvette l'Astrolabe . Carex polystachya is also a synonym for Carex lessoniana .

In 1830 Carlo Giuseppe Luigi Bertero wrote :

"Un genre que je crois nouveau, et que je dédie à M. Lesson, appartient à la famille des Ombellifères, Près de L'Astrantia ou du Sanicula: C'est un arbre de 8 à 1ß pieds de haut."

But it was not until 1833 that William Jackson Hooker and George Arnott Walker Arnott scientifically named the genus Lessonia for Lessonia bupleuroides as a synonym for Eryngium bupleuroides .

Publications (selection)

  • Details on Terre-Neuve, extrait d'une lettre de M. Adolphe Lesson, chirurgien de 3e Classe de la Marine Royaled . In: Journal des voyages: découvertes et navigations modern, ou Archives géographique du XIXe Siècle, rédige par une société de geógraphes, de voyageurs et de littérateurs francais et étrangers. tape 28 , 1825, pp. 259-263 ( books.google.de ).
  • Copie d'une lettre de M. Adolphe Lesson, naturaliste et médecin sur la corvette du roi l'Astrolabe, exécutant un voyage de découvertes sous les ordres du capitaine Dumont d'Urville - Sydney, December 4, 1826 . In: Bulletin des sciences naturelles et de géologie, rédigé par MM. Delafosse, Raspail et Lesson . tape 11 , 1827, pp. 172-173 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Mémoire sur les peuple de la Mer du Sud, nommés Carolins ou Mongols-Pélagiens . In: Journal des voyages: découvertes et navigations modern, ou Archives géographique du XIXe Siècle, rédige par une société de geógraphes, de voyageurs et de littérateurs francais et étrangers. tape 40 , 1828, pp. 177-205 ( books.google.de ).
  • with Achille Richard: Voyage de découvertes l'Astrolabe: exécuté par ordre du roi, pendant les années 1826–1827 - 1828–1829, sous le commandement de J. Dumont d'Urville. (=  Botanique . Volume 1 ). J. Tatsu, Paris 1832 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Quelques mots sur la dysenterie aiguë en général, et particulièrement sur celle qui a été observée à bord de l'Astrolabe pendant son voyage de découvertes: Thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 15 December 1837 . Jean Martel Aîné, impremeur de la Faculté de Médicine, Montpellier 1837 ( archive.org ).
  • Notes on Mollusques coquilles marines rapportées de la mer du Sur . In: Revue Zoologique par La Société Cuvierienne . tape 5 , 1842, pp. 102-104 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Notes on the Oiseaux nouveaux ou peu connus rapportés de la mer du Sud . In: Revue Zoologique par La Société Cuvierienne . tape 5 , 1842, pp. 135-136 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Mollusques recueillis dans la mer du Sur par M. Adolphe Lesson (genre mitra et pleurotoma) . In: Revue Zoologique par La Société Cuvierienne . tape 5 , 1842, pp. 141-144 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Mollusques recueillis dans la mer du Sud et l'ocán Atlantique . In: Revue Zoologique par La Société Cuvierienne . tape 5 , 1842, pp. 184-187 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Notes on the Oiseaux nouveaux ou peu connus rapportés de la mer du Sud . In: Revue Zoologique par La Société Cuvierienne . tape 5 , 1842, pp. 209-210 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • with René Primevère Lesson: Voyage aux îles Mangareva: (Océanie) . Imprimerie de Mercier et Devois, Rochefort 1844 ( numelyo.bm-lyon.fr ).
  • Vanikoro et ses habitants . Erneste Leroux, Paris 1876 ( digital.slv.vic.gov.au ).
  • Vanikoro et ses habitants . In: Revue d'anthropologie . tape 5 , 1876, p. 252-272 ( books.google.de ).
  • Traditions des iles Samoa . In: Revue d'anthropologie . tape 5 , 1876, p. 589-604 ( books.google.de ).
  • with Ludovic Martine: Les Polynésiens leur origine, leurs migrations, leur langage . tape 1 . Erneste Leroux, Paris 1880 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • with Ludovic Martine: Les Polynésiens leur origine, leurs migrations, leur langage . tape 2 . Ernest Leroux, Paris 1881 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • with Ludovic Martine: Les Polynésiens leur origine, leurs migrations, leur langage . tape 3 . Ernest Leroux, Paris 1882 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Notice biographique sur Quiros . In: Bulletin de la Societe de geographie de Rochefort . tape 5 , no. 1 , 1883, p. 3-29 ( gallica.bnf.fr ).
  • Légende géographique des îles Marquises . In: Bulletin de la Societe de geographie de Rochefort . tape 5 , no. 4 , 1883, p. 286-294 ( gallica.bnf.fr ).
  • with Ludovic Martine: Les Polynésiens leur origine, leurs migrations, leur langage . tape 4 . Ernest Leroux, Paris 1884 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).


  • Société des archives historiques de la Saintonge et de l'Aunis: Nécrologie Pierre-Adolphe Lesson . In: Bulletin de la Société des archives historiques de la Saintonge et de l'Aunis . tape 8 , 1888, p. 255-256 ( gallica.bnf.fr ).
  • Michel Sardet, Etienne Taillemite: Les mémoires inédits du naturaliste circumnavigateur Jean-René Quoy: un témoignage exceptionnel sur la société du XIXe siècle . Pharmathèmes, Paris 2009, ISBN 978-2-914399-27-2 , pp. 173-174 .
  • Félix Édouard Guérin-Méneville: M. Adolphe Lesson, docteur en médicine, compagnon de L'admiral d'Urville dans son deuxième vogae, vient d'arriver à Rochefort sur le brick le Pylade, après trois années de campagne dans la mer du Sur . In: Revue Zoologique par La Société Cuvierienne . tape 5 , 1842, pp. 130-131 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Anne Bataille: Le journal médical de Adolphe-Pierre Lesson, chirurgien de Dumont d'Urville sur l'Astrolabe (1826–1829) . Unité d'Enseignement et de Recherches de Medicine et Technique Medicales de Nantes, 1978 ( odsas.net ).
  • Francis Parquet: Le chirurgien naviguant du Pacifique, Pierre-Adolphe Lesson (1805–1888) . UER de Medicine et Technique Medicales de Nantes, Nantes 1988 ( odsas.net ).
  • Claude Stefani, Olivier Desgranges: Papiers d'Océanie: Le fonds Lesson: bibliothèques, archives et objets . Les Indes savantes, Paris 2016, ISBN 978-2-84654-458-0 .
  • René Primevère Lesson: Nouveau Tableau du Règne Animal: Mammifères . Arthus Bertrand, Paris 1842 ( reader.digitale-sammlungen.de ).
  • René Primevère Lesson: Species Avium movae autminus cognitæ in itinere A. Lessonia collectæ . In: Revue Zoologique par La Société Cuvierienne . tape 5 , 1842, pp. 174-175 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • René Primevère Lesson: Nouvelles espèces perroquet de la mer du Sud . In: L'Echo du Monde Savant (=  1 ). tape 10 , no. 39 , 1843, p. 922-924 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • René Primevère Lesson: Complément à l'histoire naturelle des oiseaux-mouches . In: L'Echo du Monde Savant (=  2 ). tape 10 , no. 32 , 1843, pp. 755-758 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • René Primevère Lesson: Sur un nouveau genre d'oiseau échassier propre à Amerique méridionale . In: L'Echo du Monde Savant (=  1 ). tape 11 , no. 26 , 1844, pp. 616-617 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • René Primevère Lesson: Description of trois espèces nouvelle de Pics . In: L'Echo du Monde Savant (=  1 ). tape 11 , no. 52 , 1845, pp. 920-922 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Georg Hartwig: The islands of the great ocean in nature and peoples life . Published by M. Bischopss, Wiesbaden 1871 ( books.google.de ).
  • Jean-Baptiste Benoît Eyriès: Iles Marquises, ou Nouka-Hiva. Histoire, geographie, moeurs et considérations générales, d'après les relations des navigateurs et les documents recueillis sur les lieux; by MM. Vincendom Demoulin et C. Desgraz - Paris, 1843, 1 vol in 8 avec cartes, chez Arthus Bertrand . In: Nouvelles Annales des Voyages (=  4 ). tape 4 , 1844, pp. 115-136 ( books.google.de ).
  • Jules-Sébastien-César Dumont d'Urville: The French corvette Astrolabe set out on a journey of discovery on the orders of King Charles X. in the years 1826–1827–1828–1829 . J. Brodtmann, Schaffhause 1840 ( reader.digitale-sammlungen.de ).
  • Heinrich Berghaus: News from the captain Dumont d'Urville's expedition to the great ocean . In: Geographische Zeitung zur Hertha . tape 11 , 1828, pp. 116-122 ( books.google.de ).
  • Unknown: Excerpt from a report by Mr. Dumont d'Urville about the operation of the corvette Astrolabe from her departure from Hobart-Town (5th Jan 1828) to her arrival at Batavia (29 Aug 1828) . In: Allgemeine Zeitung Munich . No. 20 , 1829, pp. 77-78 ( books.google.de ).
  • Carlo Giuseppe Luigi Bertero: Notice on L'Histoire naturelle de l'île Juan Fernadet, extraite d'une lettre de M. Bertero . In: Annales des sciences naturelles: comprenant La physiologie animale et végétale, l'anatomie comparée des deux règnes, La zoologie, la botanique, la minéralogie, et la géologie . tape 21 , 1830, p. 344-351 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • William Jackson Hooker, George Arnott Walker Arnott: Contributions towards a flora of South America and the islands of the Pacific . In: Botanical miscellany; containing Figures and Descriptions of such plants as recommend themselves by their novelity, rarity, or History, or by the use to which they are applied in the Arts, in Medicine, and in Domestic Oecnomy together with occasional botanical notices and information . tape 3 , 1833, p. 302-367 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).

Web links

Commons : Pierre Adolphe Lesson  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Société des archives historiques de la Saintonge et de l'Aunis, p. 255.
  2. a b c d e Michel Sardet u. a., p. 173.
  3. a b Jules-Sébastien-César Dumont d'Urville, pp. 1-7.
  4. Heinrich Berghaus, pp. 116–122.
  5. ^ Explorers of the Pacific: European and American Discoveries in Polynesia Dumont D'Urville's First Voyage
  6. Unknown, pp. 77-78.
  7. Achille Richard et al. a., p. 216.
  8. Achille Richard et al. a., p. 119.
  9. Achille Richard et al. a., p. 146.
  10. ^ Leonore LH / 1617/1
  11. ^ Jean-Baptiste Benoît, p. 260.
  12. a b Félix Édouard Guérin-Méneville, p. 130.
  13. Georg Hartwig, p. 260.
  14. ^ A b Société des archives historiques de la Saintonge et de l'Aunis, p. 256.
  15. ^ René Primevère Lesson (Revue Zoologique, 1842), p. 174.
  16. René Primevère Lesson (Series 1, 1843), pp. 922-924.
  17. René Primevère Lesson (Series 2, 1843), p. 756.
  18. René Primevère Lesson (1844), p. 617.
  19. ^ René Primevère Lesson (1845), p. 921.
  20. René Primevère Lesson (Nouveau Tableau du Règne Animal, 1842), pp. 112-113.
  21. Achille Richard et al. a., p. 125.
  22. Achille Richard et al. a., p. 118.
  23. ^ Carlo Giuseppe Luigi Bertero, p. 348.
  24. William Jackson Hooker et al. a., p. 352.