Pierre Briant

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Pierre Briant (born September 30, 1940 in Angers ) is a French ancient historian .

Briant studied history at the University of Poitiers from 1960 to 1965 . In 1965 the teaching examination for history took place. In 1972 he received his doctorate with a thesis on ancient Macedonian history at the time of Antigonus I. Monophthalmos . From 1974 to 1999 he taught as a professor of ancient history at the Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail . Briant has been a professor at the Collège de France in Paris since 1999 . In 1999 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Chicago .

First, Briant came out with a number of important investigations into the Greek history of Hellenism ; Based on his research on Alexander the Great , however, he then began to deal increasingly with the Persian Achaemenid Empire and the rest of the Middle East. Alongside Amelie Kuhrt , Christopher Tuplin and Josef Wiesehöfer, Briant is one of the leading experts on the ancient Persian Empire and its relations with the Greeks. His work Histoire de l'Empire Perse (in a revised English translation From Cyrus to Alexander ) is currently the most important standard work on Achaemenid history internationally.

On the Achemenet website, which is also managed by Briant, academic articles are made available and research news is published.

Fonts (selection)

  • Antigone le Borgne. Les Débuts de sa Carrière et les Problèmes de l'Assemblée Macédonienne. Les Belles Lettres, Paris 1973 (= dissertation)
  • Alexandre le Grand. Que sais-je? Vol. 622. Presses universitaires de France, Paris 1974. 7th edition 2011
  • Rois, Tributs et Paysans. Études sur les Formations Tributaires du Moyen-Orient Ancien. Les Belles Lettres, Paris 1982. ISBN 2-251-60269-0
  • Etat et pasteurs au Moyen-Orient ancien. Ed. de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris 1982. ISBN 2-901725-29-5
  • L'Asie centrale et les royaumes proche-orientaux du premier millénaire, c. VIIIe-IVe siècles avant notre ère. Eds. Recherche sur les Civilizations, Paris 1984. ISBN 2-86538-092-0
  • De la Grèce à l'Orient, Alexandre le Grand. Coll. Découvertes Gallimard (nº 27), Gallimard, Paris 1987. ISBN 2-07-053041-8
  • (Ed.): Dans les pas des Dix-Mille. Peuples et pays du Proche-Orient vus par un Grec, Presses universitares du Mirail, Toulouse 1995. Review
  • Histoire de l'Empire Perse. De Cyrus à Alexandre. Fayard, Paris 1996. ISBN 2-213-59667-0
    • English: From Cyrus to Alexander. A History of the Persian Empire. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake 2002, translated by Peter T. Daniels . meeting
  • Darius dans l'Ombre d'Alexandre. Fayard, Paris 2003. ISBN 2-213-60901-2
  • Lettre ouverte à Alexandre le Grand. Actes Sud, Arles 2008. ISBN 978-2-7427-8025-9
  • Alexander the Great and His Empire. A short introduction. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2010. ISBN 978-0-691-14194-7

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