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A group of religious refugees from Picardy , who first settled in the city of Tábor in Bohemia before 1420 under their leader Richardus Picard, are referred to as Pikards (Pikarti) .

Picard's successor was the blacksmith Adam Rohan from Veselí , after whom they were also known as Adamites . They were expelled from Tábor by the Hussites and settled near Příběnice and occupied Ostrov . Jan Žižka had them destroyed in 1421, 50 were burned and another 25 released to popular anger.

The picards were radical Hussites . In their mass they did without goblets and regalia , they used ordinary bread. The picards believed that a perfect soul did not need virtue. Their ideas influenced Martin Húska , but he stayed away from them. Similar to the Adamites , they are said to have practiced ritual nudism and held love festivals.


  • Martina Thomsen: "Against the Picardians". Discrimination and expulsion of the Bohemian brothers in the 16th and 17th centuries . In: Joachim Bahlcke (ed.): Religious refugees. Causes, forms and effects of early modern denominational migration in Europe . Lit Verlag, Berlin 2008, pp. 145–164.
  • Josef Dobrovský : History of the Bohemian Picards and Adamites . In: Treatises of the Bohemian Society of Sciences to 1788 . Walthersche Hofbuchhandlung , Prague and Dresden 1789, pp. 300–343.