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Classification according to ICD-10
D23.- Other benign neoplasms of the skin
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)
Calcifying epithelioma of the skin

The Pilomatricoma (syn. Epithelioma calcificans Malherbe Malherbe tumor and kalzifizierendes epithelioma) is a benign , palpation of hard skin tumor, but which can be found especially in children, in all other age groups. The pilomatrixoma is derived from the hair matrix . It arises from a cystic structure that forms and calcifies (calcified) shadow cells inside , i.e. necrotic cells without a nucleus.

Calcifying epithelioma was described by Albert Malherbe and J. Chenantais in 1880 .

The pilomatrixoma must be differentiated from the pilomatrix carcinoma , a very rare malignant tumor that originates in the hair follicle apparatus and in very rare cases can arise from a pilomatrixoma.

In addition to humans, the pilomatrixoma has also been described in dogs , where it is relatively common; especially in terriers, especially the Kerry Blue Terrier . It is usually found in the area of ​​the trunk.

Individual evidence

  1. Braun-Falco O., ea: Dermatologie und Venerologie , Springer, 2005, p. 1287, ISBN 3540405259 , here online .
  2. A. Malherbe, J. Chenantais: Note on l'epitheliome calcifie des glandes sebacees. Prog Med 8 (1880). Pp. 826-828. To:
    M.-Y. Lan: Pilomatricoma of the Head and Neck: A Retrospective Review of 179 Cases. In: Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. 129, 2003, pp. 1327-1330, doi : 10.1001 / archotol.129.12.1327 .
  3. Altmeyer: Pilomatrixom (see literature ).
  4. Erwin Dahme, Eugen Weiss: Outline of the special pathological anatomy of domestic animals. Enke, 2007, ISBN 3-8304-1100-6 , p. 399.


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