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PlayChoice-10 (various games)
PlayChoice Logo.jpg
Studio Nintendo
Publisher Nintendo
genre various
Game mode up to 2 players
control 8-way joystick ; 2 buttons, light gun optional
casing Standard and Cocktail
Arcade system NES Hardware + Control CPU : Z80 (@ 4 MHz)
Sound CPU: -
Sound Chips: PSG 2A03 (NES)
monitor 2 × grid resolution 256 × 240 (4: 3 horizontal) Color palette: 52
information Game mix, player buys game time
PlayChoice-10 (Super de-luxe)

PlayChoice-10 is an arcade machine from Nintendo with 10 different games. It was built from 1986. There are combinations with different games. In contrast to other arcade games, the player buys playing time by inserting coins and can also play different games within this.


The hardware is based on the Nintendo Entertainment System , but is not 100% compatible.

In addition, a control CPU is used, the Zilog Z80 .

There are devices with one or two monitors that are stacked on top of each other. Game tips are displayed on the second monitor; this requires additional program code, which is usually stored on an additional ROM chip.

Due to the hardware, the graphics of the games are significantly simpler than the respective original arcade versions and correspond to those of the NES games. The colors of NES and PlayChoice are slightly different.

There are also PlayChoice and PlayChoice-5 devices with one or five games, but these are much rarer.

The Nintendo VS devices are also technically related. Systems , whereby there are UniSystem and DualSystem devices. The latter are practically two arcade devices that are angled next to each other. A UniSystem consists of a device with a control panel for two players. Both players can play against each other at the same time.

In contrast to the boards of conventional arcade machines, the interchangeable game modules consist of small, elongated circuit boards and are similar to RAM memory modules.

Games list

Web links