Portuguese real

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The Portuguese real , plural Réis , was a historical unit of currency in Portugal. It was introduced under King Peter I ( Pedro I ) (1357-1367).

The Real replaced the Tornês introduced under King Dionysius ( Dinis ) (1279-1325) . From the 15th to the 19th century, the value was then the first as gold, as silver coin pronounced Cruzado always set at a fixed ratio to Real. From 1517, for example, a cruzado was worth 400 réis.

The real was replaced by the escudo in 1914 .


  • Friedrich Frhr. von Schrötter (Hrsg.): Dictionary of coinage . Berlin [u. a.]: de Gruyter 1930.
  • Chester L. Krause; Clifford Mishler: Standard catalog of world coins . Iola, Wisconsin: Krause 1982. ISBN 0-87341-061-0
  • Friedrich WA Schlickeysen: Explanation of the abbreviations on coins of modern times, the Middle Ages and antiquity as well as on commemorative coins and coin-like symbols . Berlin 1896.