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The National Program for the Development of High Technology ( Chinese  國家 高技術 研究 發展 計劃  /  国家 高技术 研究 发展 计划 , Pinyin Guójiā Gāojìshù Yánjiū Fāzhăn Jìhuà ) was launched in March 1986 and is therefore usually called “863 计划” or “ Program 863 ” Funding program for high technology. The funds made available by the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China are awarded after examination by expert commissions in the case of civil projects by the Ministry of Science and Technology , in the case of military projects, which also include nuclear energy, lasers and space travel of the People's Republic of China , by the National Authority for Science, Technology and industry in national defense at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology .


On March 23, 1983 US President announced Ronald Reagan a Strategic Defense Initiative , which provided for, among other things, with space-based or ground-based lasers approaching ICBMs shoot. This aroused the interest of the Chinese laser pioneer Wang Daheng (王大珩, 1915–2011), founder and director of the Changchun Institute for Optical and Precision Mechanical Instruments (长春 光学 精密 机械 仪器 研究所) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , not only for professional reasons but because at that point in time the US did not even have the technology for such a system. It wasn't even clear what types of lasers should be used, let alone locating the missiles and tracking the lasers. Reagan's initiative was initially a gigantic funding program for basic technical research. You saw it elsewhere as well. In order not to fall behind in relation to the USA, the European Research Coordination Agency EUREKA was founded in Western Europe on July 17, 1985 , and in December 1985 at the Council for Mutual Economic Aid the “Complex program to promote the scientific and technical progress of the Comecon Member States up to 2000 "passed.

Under the impression of these events, the Science, Technology and Industry Commission for National Defense convened a symposium at which experts from various fields analyzed the military significance of the Strategic Defense Initiative and its impact on the world situation, as well as the technical questions raised by the initiative and how realistic was Reagan's project at all. The experts concluded that, given its economic capabilities, China was unable to compete with the United States and the Soviet Union in military technology or armaments levels. Nonetheless, China had nuclear weapons, missiles and satellites. From a deterrent point of view, the important thing was not the number of warheads, but the fact that China had these things in the first place. The consensus that emerged at the symposium was that one should limit oneself to a few areas in which one could catch up with the great powers in terms of technology. For example, with two or three percent of the money that the United States spent, one could preserve China's position in the world and influence the balance between the two superpowers.

In addition to geostrategic considerations, the experts were also worried about Chinese human capital. During the major armaments projects of the past few years, from nuclear submarines to space travel , a team of experienced scientists and technicians had emerged who represented a precious resource for the country. If these men and women went abroad for lack of employment and dispersed to the winds, it would be a grave loss, not to mention the role they played in educating the next generation of professionals, in ensuring continued progress in the field coming century. As for cost, as the deputy head of the Chengdu Optoelectronic Institute put it, a "Chinese-style SDI" would cost each citizen the equivalent of one or two chicken eggs.

It was precisely these two chicken eggs that were lacking. Then Chen Fangyun , the father of the Chinese TT&C systems, raised the possibility of a petition to the top leadership of the country and asked Wang Daheng to set up one. In principle, he agreed but asked Pan Houren (潘 厚 任) from the Academy's Department of Technical Sciences (中国科学院 技术 科学 部) to write the first part of the petition, with an analysis of the Strategic Defense Initiative and the corresponding developments in the other countries. Wang Daheng himself wrote the main text of the petition, summarizing the views expressed at the symposium, and what action China should take in this situation. Wang Daheng also asked Yang Jiachi (杨嘉 墀, 1919-2006) of the Chinese Academy of Space Technology and nuclear physicist Wang Ganchang to help him draft the petition.

In the end, Wang Daheng, Chen Fangyun, Wang Ganchang and Yang Jiachi signed the petition on behalf of the Academy of Sciences entitled "Proposals for Research to Catch Up Development in Strategic High Technology Abroad" (关于 跟踪 研究 外国 战略性 高技术 发展 的 建议) gave. On March 3, 1986, the petition was first presented to Deng Xiaoping , then chairman of the Central Military Commission . Wang Daheng and his colleagues met with an open ear at Deng, who as the vice premier for the Four Modernizations had been a great promoter of science since 1978. After a week's cooling off, Deng noted on the cover of the petition that this was a very important matter that could not be delayed and passed it on to Prime Minister Zhao Ziyang , asking him to take the necessary steps.

Zhao Ziyang had to drop out of school shortly before graduating from high school in 1937 after the outbreak of the anti-Japanese war and was a pure professional politician. So he passed the matter on to Zhang Jingfu , director of the State Planning Commission at the State Council. Zhang Jingfu, who knew the four scientists from his time as General Secretary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (1956–1975), had played a key role in drawing up the “ Twelve-Year Plan for Science and Technology ” in 1956 and was Minister of Finance of the People's Republic of China from his time as Minister of Finance (1975–1979) is also familiar with the financial aspects of such programs. At the following meetings in the State Council, Wang Daheng and his colleagues found an energetic supporter in Zhang. The number of subject areas originally earmarked for funding by the scientists has been expanded, and the Ministry of Finance has agreed to provide the necessary funds. When it came to the question of military (as in the USA) or civil projects (as in Europe), Deng Xiaoping got back into the discussion and demanded that projects that benefit both sectors should be funded if possible, but that the civil sector had priority (军民 结合 、 以 民 为主).

For each subject area (at that time biotechnology, space travel, information technology, modern weapon systems, automation, energy and materials science), expert commissions were set up that not only examined the funding applications and decided on the distribution of the funds, but also had to ensure that it was not parallel research came about, meaning that not two or more institutes were working on similar projects. The then Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense had ultimate responsibility for military projects , and the State Commission for Science and Technology for civil projects . After all the details were clarified, the "Outline of a High Technology Development Program (Program 863)" (《高技術 研究 發展 計劃 (863 計劃) 綱要》) was approved by the State Council and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and passed in the cabinet.


Many of the projects funded through the 863 program are long-term endeavors, such as the Shuguang series (曙光 服务器) servers from 1990 or the People's Republic of China's lunar program from 1994 . However, the priorities for the approval of new applications change in accordance with the five-year plans . For example, during the 10th Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) projects were funded in the following areas:

With the SARS pandemic of 2002/2003 and the worsening water crisis on Tai Hu , the priorities changed, and the funding list looked like this from 2006:

  • Space travel
  • laser
  • Marine engineering
  • Information technology
  • Biotechnology and pharmacy
  • Materials science and engineering
  • Digital manufacturing
  • Energy Technology
  • Resources and environmental technology
  • Curbing water pollution
  • Agricultural engineering
  • Traffic engineering

In the first phase of the program for the three five-year plans from 1986 to 2000, a total of 10 billion yuan was made available, which, based on the purchasing power of 1986, corresponded to about 10 chicken eggs per inhabitant, significantly more than that of the researchers working with Chen Fangyun and Wang Daheng originally envisaged version. By 2010, an economic value of 56 billion yuan was generated from the 5200 projects funded. It should be noted here that China experienced considerable inflation as a result of strong economic growth in the 1990s and early 2000s, with the salaries of scientists and technicians in universities and state-owned companies only slowly adjusting to the increased cost of living. The projects funded through the 386 program certainly had and still have a direct economic benefit, but their function is at least as important in the training of young scientists and in securing the future viability of China. For this reason, the funds for the program are constantly increasing. For example, in the period 2012–2015 alone, 692 million yuan was made available for nine special projects (专项) such as superconductors or software for high-performance computing , which corresponds to around 700 million euros in purchasing power.

The National Science Foundation has existed in China since February 14, 1986 , but it has significantly less money. For example, the Science Foundation had only 80 million yuan to spend in 1986, while the 863 Engineering Program had over 660 million yuan. As early as 1998, Chen Fangyun warned that, in addition to promoting technology, basic research should not be neglected. In the further course, China's participation in the human genome project as well as in an international project to decipher the genome of Asian rice ( Oryza sativa ) was financed from funds from the 863 program , which was initially fundamental research. The results were then immediately incorporated into genetic engineering projects. In 2010, Chinese researchers had already brought 11 genetically engineered drugs and vaccines to market, 10 genetically engineered drugs were in clinical trials at the time, and more than 20 others were in development.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 863— 国家 高技术 研究 发展 计划. In: cas.cn. Retrieved September 12, 2019 (Chinese).
  2. Klaus Krakat: Problems of the GDR industry in the last five-year planning period (1986–1989 / 1990). In: Eberhard Kuhr et al. (Ed.): The economic and ecological situation of the GDR in the 80s. Leske and Budrich, Opladen 1996, p. 153.
  3. 王大珩: 从 导弹 轨道 跟踪 与 测量 到 “863 计划”. In: cas.cn. September 17, 2009, accessed September 9, 2019 (Chinese).
  4. At the beginning of 1986 China had a billion inhabitants .
  5. 潘 厚 任. In: cas.cn. June 17, 2005, Retrieved September 10, 2019 (Chinese).
  6. 趙竹青: 國家 863 計劃 項目 : 簡介 和 出台 背景. In: scitech.people.com.cn. July 23, 2010, accessed September 10, 2019 (Chinese).
  7. Stephen Uhalley Jr .: A History of the Chinese Communist Party. Hoover Institution Press, Stanford 1988, p. 190.
  8. 王大珩: 从 导弹 轨道 跟踪 与 测量 到 “863 计划”. In: cas.cn. September 17, 2009, accessed September 9, 2019 (Chinese).
  9. 趙竹青: 國家 863 計劃 項目 : 簡介 和 出台 背景. In: scitech.people.com.cn. July 23, 2010, accessed September 11, 2019 (Chinese).
  10. 趙竹青: 国家 863 计划 项目 : 15 年 取得 的 重大 进展 及其 作用. In: scitech.people.com.cn. July 23, 2010, accessed September 11, 2019 (Chinese).
  11. 曙光 1000A. In: ncic.ac.cn. Retrieved September 11, 2019 (Chinese).
  12. 曙光 4000A 超级 服务器. In: ict.ac.cn. May 31, 2009, Retrieved September 11, 2019 (Chinese).
  13. ^ National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program). In: most.gov.cn. Retrieved September 11, 2019 .
  14. 863— 国家 高技术 研究 发展 计划. In: cas.cn. Retrieved September 12, 2019 (Chinese).
  15. 趙竹青: 国家 863 计划 项目 : 15 年 取得 的 重大 进展 及其 作用. In: scitech.people.com.cn. July 23, 2010, accessed September 11, 2019 (Chinese).
  16. Ye Peijian , the chief designer of the first lunar probes, earned 2,000 yuan a month as an executive at the Chinese Academy of Space Technology in 1995 , while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange offered him a gross annual salary of 400,000 yuan, or a good 33,000 yuan per month, in an attempt to entice him . 陈 进: “嫦娥 之 父” 叶培 建. In: news.163.com. November 8, 2007, Retrieved September 11, 2019 (Chinese).
  17. 我 所 喜获 国家 科技部 863 计划 重大 项目 课题 2 项. In: iapcm.ac.cn. Retrieved September 11, 2019 (Chinese).
  18. 自然科学 基金. In: cas.cn. Retrieved September 12, 2019 (Chinese).
  19. 概况. In: www.nsfc.gov.cn. Retrieved September 12, 2019 (Chinese).
  20. ^ NSFC at a Glance. In: www.nsfc.gov.cn. Retrieved September 12, 2019 .
  21. 陈芳允 : 卫星 上天 , 我们 测控. In: cas.cn. Retrieved September 12, 2019 (Chinese).
  22. Joachim Czichos: rice genome decrypted. In: Wissenschaft.de. May 5, 2002, accessed September 12, 2019 .
  23. ↑ The rice genome has been deciphered. In: spiegel.de. August 11, 2005, accessed September 12, 2019 .
  24. 趙竹青: 国家 863 计划 项目 : 15 年 取得 的 重大 进展 及其 作用. In: scitech.people.com.cn. July 23, 2010, accessed September 12, 2019 (Chinese).