Promedia Publishing House

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The Promedia Publishing is an Austrian book publisher based in Vienna . The publishing house was founded in 1982.


Promedia Verlag was founded in 1982 by the bookseller Erich Ertl (1953–2012) in Vienna . The first publications included works that dealt critically with the zeitgeist in Austria, such as books by Erich Fried , Karl Wiesinger and Harald Irnberger, as well as records on anti-fascist resistance. In the mid-1990s, the historian and journalist Hannes Hofbauer took over the management of the publishing house. Stefan Kraft has also been a partner in the publishing house since 2011 .

Publishing program

The focus of the publishing program is on political, cultural-historical and social science titles as well as historical travel reports, socially critical literature and books on architecture and cuisine. One of a series of the publishing house is Edition Frauenfahrten, in which historical reports by travelers such as Ida Pfeiffer , Mary Montagu , Clärenore Stinnes and Freya Stark were published. The edition Brennpunkt Osteuropa publishes non-fiction books on politics and social development in the Eastern European countries and above all in the former Yugoslav states. With the historical social studies and Weltregionen edition, the publisher publishes research literature that is written by scholars at Austrian and German universities. Books on the contemporary history of Austria and Vienna (“Viennensia”, reprints of historical studies on Vienna from the middle of the 19th to the first third of the 20th century) are just as much a part of the publishing program as the critical research edition, in which young scholars have their say. About 420 titles were published by Promedia Verlag.


The publisher's authors include:

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