Vice Rector

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At German colleges and universities with a rectorate constitution, the prorector is the title of the deputy rector with his own area of ​​responsibility within the rectorate. If there are several Vice Rectors, the order of representation within the Rectorate is determined. Universities with presidential constitution instead of using pro-rector the title vice president , in Bremen, the term is vice-principal used in Austria Vice Rector , in Switzerland, both are pro-rector and vice-rector and vice-president in use.

Like the rector, the vice rectors are also regularly elected by the university committees from among the university professors . It is seldom the case that a Vice-Rector is elected from among the ranks of the employees , and occasionally from among the students . Most of the time, the prorectors have specific areas of responsibility, and the terms prorector for teaching and prorector for research are often used .

In the German monarchies , the prorector was usually at the head of the university and managed the business. In the majority of cases, the rectorate rests with the sovereign .