Provisional government of the GDR

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The provisional government of the GDR was formed by law on the government of the GDR (decided by the Provisional People's Chamber ) on October 7, 1949. It existed until November 7, 1950, after which the Council of Ministers became the government of the GDR.

According to the law, the members of the government were: the prime minister, his 3 deputies and the 14 specialist ministers. (or 15 after the state security department was elevated to a ministry by the law on the formation of a ministry for state security of February 8, 1950)

Office Surname Political party State Secretary Political party
Prime Minister Otto Grotewohl SED Fritz Geyer SED
Deputy Prime Minister Walter Ulbricht
Hermann Kastner (until July 1950)
Otto Nuschke
Minister for Foreign Affairs Georg Dertinger CDU Anton Ackermann SED
Minister of the Interior Karl Steinhoff SED Hans Warnke SED
Minister of Finance Hans Loch LDPD Willy hull SED
Minister for Popular Education Paul change SED Ruth Fabisch LDPD
Minister for Industry Fritz Selbmann SED Alfred Wunderlich NDPD
Minister of Planning in 1950 transformed into the State Planning Commission
Heinrich Rau SED Bruno Leuschner SED
Minister for Foreign Trade and Material Supply
From November 11, 1949 renamed: Minister for Inner German Trade, Foreign Trade and Material Supply
Georg Ulrich Handke SED Hans-Paul Ganter-Gilmans CDU
Minister for Trade and Supply Karl Hamann LDPD Rudolf Albrecht DBD
Minister for Construction Lothar Bolz NDPD Wilhelm von Stoltzenberg LDPD
Minister of Labor and Health Luitpold Steidle CDU Paul Peschke SED
Minister of Justice Max Fechner SED Helmut Brandt CDU
Minister of Post and Telecommunications Friedrich Burmeister CDU Wilhelm Schröder SED
Minister of Transport Hans Reingruber independent Wilhelm Bachem CDU
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Ernst Goldenbaum DBD Paul Merker SED


Office Surname Political party State Secretary Political party
Established from October 12, 1949 :
Office for Information at the Prime Minister of the GDR
Gerhart Eisler SED
Established from February 8, 1950 :
Minister for State Security
Wilhelm Zaisser SED
predecessor Government of the German Democratic Republic successor
Allied Control Council Provisional government of the GDR
Council of Ministers of the GDR

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Law on the Government of the GDR: Online publication, accessed on January 10, 2018
  2. Law on the formation of a Ministry for State Security: Online publication, accessed on January 10, 2018.