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As nonsense beer was in Prussia a formulation of to the 17th century beer soup called.

In the German-speaking world, warm beer soup was a frequent breakfast for adults and children, especially in the country, well into the 19th century , with thin beer being used; it was only then gradually supplanted by the new fashion of drinking coffee in the morning and eating bread with it. Before the introduction of coffee, but also afterwards, beer soup was eaten by all classes, including the nobility. Beer was considered a nutritious and invigorating food .

For the nonsense beer, especially in winter, apples were heated over the fire until they had a soft, mushy consistency. The fried apples were added to the beer and mashed (crushed) . In addition, sugar and various spices were mixed in.

The term nonsense beer refers to nonsense in the sense of pulpy mass , pulpy mud or the noise when the apples are crushed.


  • Genialia apopthegmatum rerumque memorabilium . Clever speeches and memorable things to delight the mind. Published by Ulrich Wetstein, Lübeck 1666, p. 104 ( Google Books ).
  • Bullshit. In: Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm (Hrsg.): German dictionary . tape 13 : N, O, P, Q - (VII). S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1889, Sp. 2333 ( woerterbuchnetz.de ).
  • Hermann Frischbier: Prussian dictionary. East and West Prussian provincialisms in alphabetical order . tape 2 .. Publishing house Th. Chr. Fr. Enslin, Berlin 1883, p. 200 ( archive.org ).

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Schivelbusch : Paradise, taste and reason: A history of luxury items. 1990, ISBN 3-596-24413-7 .
  2. Nonsense . In: Wiktionary .
  3. ^ Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm: German Dictionary . tape 13 (see the entries on nonsense , chatter and squeeze ).