Rai Gr Parlamento

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Infobox radio tower icon
Rai Gr Parlamento
Station logo
Radio station ( public law )
reception analog terrestrial (VHF), DAB , satellite , internet
Reception area Italy
Start of transmission 1998
Broadcaster Radiotelevisione Italiana
Intendant Luigi Gubitosi
Program director Gianni Scipione Rossi (ad interim)
List of radio stations

Rai Gr Parlamento is an Italian radio station that broadcasts live from the Italian Parliament ( Camera dei deputati and Senate ), European Parliament , regional sessions, and municipal sessions. It was started in 1998 by Radiotelevisione Italiana and the Italian Ministry of Communication.

The program is broadcast nationwide via FM stations, DAB , satellite and an Internet stream. At night and on public holidays, Rai GR Parlamento takes over the program from Rai Radio 5 Classica .

Web links