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Rasam , Saaru or Chaaru is a thin, sour, spicy soup from South Indian cuisine that is traditionally served with rice. The dish is widespread in South India and the preparation depends largely on the tastes and traditions of the respective region. Rasam is particularly popular in Tamil Nadu . In the surrounding states of India the soup is also known under the name Saaru or Chaaru . Among the best known variants include, among others, Tomato Rasam, Lemon Rasam or Parupu Rasam from pigeon peas .


Rasam is used as an appetizer in South Indian cuisine and is usually served with rice. In a traditional menu, rasam follows sambar and is followed by curd rice, a cold dish made from flavored yogurt and rice.


Rasam means "juice" from Tamil , and tomato or tamarind juice is usually used for the preparation. Rasam originally consisted of black pepper and tamarind , as both ingredients were often found in abundance in southern India. Other common ingredients are lemon and tomato juice, as well as the hot juice of ginger . Sometimes Rasam is also enriched with legumes . In addition to black pepper, salt and cumin are among the most common spices, although a special Rasam powder is also used today, which usually contains coriander seeds , turmeric , curry leaves and asant . Coconut milk, buttermilk, vegetables, and jaggery are also sometimes added during preparation.


The ingredients required for the desired rasam, for example tamarind, tomatoes, lentils and spices, are boiled together in plenty of water to create a thin soup. Tomatoes are chopped or used as a puree. Ginger is added chopped. If rasam is made from pigeon peas, they are soaked and ground to a fine paste before cooking.

Individual evidence

  1. About Rasam. Retrieved May 28, 2016 .
  2. ^ Serving and Eating of Rasam. Retrieved May 28, 2016 .
  3. ^ History of the Rasam Recipe. Retrieved May 28, 2016 .
  4. ^ Ingredients of the Rasam Recipe. Retrieved May 28, 2016 .
  5. ^ Preparation of the Rasam Recipe. Retrieved May 28, 2016 .