Red Dead Redemption 2

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Red Dead Redemption 2 ( stylized as RED DEAD REDEMPTION II , shortly mostly RDR2 called) is one of Rockstar Games developed in an open-world playing computer game from the action-adventure genre of that in October 2018 the games consoles PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and was released for Microsoft Windows in November 2019. Since November 19, 2019, the game has also been available via the Google Stadia game streaming service . Red Dead Redemption 2 is for Red Dead Revolver (2004) and Red Dead Redemption (2010), the third part of the Wild West settled Red-Dead computer game series.

Red Dead Redemption 2 received very good reviews, received awards, and broke several sales records in video game history : it surpassed the previous record in pre-orders, broke the sales record on the opening weekend, and sold on the day of release and the three days following Grand Theft Auto V most common.


Red Dead Redemption 2 takes place towards the end of the Wild West in 1899. The protagonist Arthur Morgan is an " outlaw " who commits crimes with the gang of Dutch van der Linde.

After a robbery goes wrong, the gang must flee their hiding place in Blackwater and attempt to cross the United States eastward to escape law enforcement. To finance their escape, the gang ambushes a train belonging to the wealthy oil tycoon Leviticus Cornwall.

Angry and seeking revenge, Cornwall hires the Pinkerton Detective Agency , a well-organized detective agency, to locate and arrest the gang. The gang is hunted by Pinkerton agents Milton and Ross throughout the game and must keep moving to avoid prosecution. Arthur and the rest of the gang perform numerous tasks and robberies to keep the gang afloat, whereas Dutch constantly promises the final and ultimate heist that is supposed to bring financial security and freedom.

The story is divided into six chapters and two epilogues.

Chapter 1

At the beginning of Chapter 1 is the gang around the charismatic Dutch van der Linde on the run from the law. A raid on a ferry in the town of Blackwater had failed. The gang has to flee in a rush, with some gang members killed or captured. During their escape, they get caught in a snow storm in the mountains and are forced to stay there in an abandoned mining settlement. Shortly after arriving at the settlement, Davey dies of injuries sustained while trying to escape. While searching for food and shelter, Arthur, Dutch, and Micah come across a hut. In this, members of a warring gang have settled around Colm O'Driscoll, who is hated by Dutch (in the game, the members are all referred to as O'Driscolls). Arthur, Dutch and Micah overwhelm the O'Driscolls and rescue Sadie Adler from the cabin that Micah accidentally set on fire. Sadie, the only survivor of her family, becomes a member of the gang. They learn from an O'Driscoll that Colm is planning a train robbery. Dutch comes up with the idea to use the gang's preparations and to rob the train himself. Before that, however, it is necessary to save the missing John Marston, protagonist of the first part. This had got lost while looking for food and had been attacked by wolves. Javier and Arthur save him from certain death. Dutch and his men set out to steal the dynamite and plans for the robbery, which they succeed in doing. On the way back they capture young Kieran, a member of O'Driscoll's gang, he later becomes a member of Dutch's gang. It turns out that the train to be ambushed belongs to the magnate Leviticus Cornwall. Dutch doesn't care, but Hosea urges caution, because Cornwall is a dangerous man. They decide to raid the train anyway and although they prepare the raid well, it threatens to fail (the dynamite prepared by Bill does not explode). Arthur and Lenny narrowly manage to stop the train and the gang successfully rob him. This raid is a key moment in the story, as the gang has made a powerful enemy in Cornwall.

Chapter 2

The snow has now thawed and the gang decides to go south, near the drover town of Valentine. Dutch and the gang scout the town for worthwhile destinations and there are also a few such as the local bank. Even here, slight tensions arise in the gang, especially between Micah and Arthur. They manage to free the captured Sean. This joins the gang again. Before the gang can turn a big deal, however, Pinkerton agents Milton and Ross appear for the first time. They were assigned to hunt down Dutch and his gang. First they threaten Arthur, whose hands are tied because of the presence of little Jack Marston, with whom he is fishing in a river. Milton says he shot Mac (a gang member who everyone thought was caught). Shortly thereafter, Cornwall appears in person and forces the gang to flee further east.

Chapter 3

You land at Rhodes, a small town raging from a feud between the Braithwaite and Gray families. Both families have hated each other for so long that no one really knows why. Rumor has it in town that one of the families has gold from the Confederate States' holdings . That and the fact that both families already have a lot of money at their disposal induces Dutch to play a double game with the families. Dutch, Arthur and Bill become deputies of the incumbent Sheriff Gray and, above all, help him take action against the Braithwaites. For example, they confiscate a shipment of black liquor from the family, which Hosea later sells back to them. The gang steal noble breeding horses from the Braithwaites, and they burn the Grays' tobacco fields.

After searching for a while, the assumption arises that there is no gold at all. Before any clarification can be made, however, Arthur, Bill, Sean and Micah are ambushed by Sheriff Gray in Rhodes. This had quickly seen through the intentions of the gang. Sean is hit in the head right at the start of the shooting and dies instantly. The others manage to kill the sheriff and escape. They bury Sean shortly afterwards.

Chapter 4

Shortly afterwards, the gang disappears from Rhodes, they set off towards the southeast, where they move into a dilapidated plantation property called Shady Belle. The reaction of the Braithwaites is not long in coming and the young Jack is kidnapped. Dutch and John are furious, and in a brutal act of revenge, the gang burns the Braithwaites' estate to the ground, killing everyone but the Matriarch. Dutch releases her and she runs into the burning house. Dutch asks Arthur for a short ride to the nearby large town of Saint Denis, whose industrial chimneys can be seen from afar. They split up to look for clues pointing to Angelo Bronte. This was described to them by Mrs. Braithwaite as the one in whose clutches Jack was. Shortly afterwards, the two of them meet again, they have found out that Bronte is a rich Italian mafioso who has the entire city under his control. They organize a meeting with Bronte, at first he looks like he doesn't like Dutch, but it turns out that this was just an act. Dutch tries to please the Italian to get him to say where Jack is.

A few days later, Dutch and Arthur are invited to a celebration by Mayor Henri Lemieux, where they meet Bronte, who informs them about the guests of the celebration. He says something about the mayor and about the Indian chief "Falling Rain" who lost his land. After Arthur made the acquaintance of the mayor, Dutch asked him to follow the mayor's servant into his office in order to look for securities or information that Arthur could find there. Bronte tells Dutch that the Saint Denis post office is storing huge amounts of cash, so Dutch seizes the opportunity and robs the post office with Arthur and Lenny. However, you will not find large sums, just a couple of tens. After a shooting with the law enforcement officers, everyone arrives at Shady Belle unharmed. Dutch, Hosea and Arthur have a short chat about whether or not to kill Bronte, some gang members notice that a horse is riding someone towards Shady Belle. As this gets closer, they notice that it is Kieran, who has been missing for days, but his head was cut off and placed in his lap. Shortly thereafter, they realize that this is an ambush by the O'Driscolls, but the gang also manages to drive them to flight. Some gang members briefly mourn Kieran before he is buried.

Dutch and Arthur set off for the village of Lagras shortly afterwards. Dutch would like to visit his new friend Thomas, a fisherman, there. However, he misses his comrade Jules, who disappeared in the swamp. While searching for Jules, one learns that he was attacked by a giant alligator. On the way back, Jules, who was hiding in a tree, is attacked by the alligator and Arthur has to save him. The men manage to put the alligator to flight, they come back to the jetty and the fisherman, who is injured in the leg, is quickly treated. The following night, some gang members paddle a boat to the back entrance of Bronte's property in Saint Denis, and almost all of Bronte's men are killed in a violent shooting. Bronte, who is hiding in his bedroom, is located, knocked down and taken away after another exchange of fire, this time with local police. Jack is fine and coming back home. They paddle back to Lagras, where Dutch freaks out. In his rage, he drowns Bronte in the water.

They ride back to Shady Belle, where everyone is looking forward to Jack's return. A few days later, Dutch has the plan to clear out the Saint Denis bank. All the men of the gang ride into town, they wait some time for Hosea's diversion, an explosion caused by him distracts the police. Now is exactly the right time to storm into the bank, the gang is holding the customers in check and Arthur gets into the vault with the help of the director. Shortly after the first safe is opened, the voice of Agent Milton can be heard outside, asking the bandits to surrender. Arthur goes to the window and sees Milton aiming a revolver at Hosea. The gang refuse to come out and Hosea is shot. There is another shootout, only it cannot be won. Arthur blasts a hole in the back wall of the bench to get to a ladder that leads to the roof. Everyone climbs onto the roof to flee, but on the way over other roofs, young Lenny is shot by a Pinkerton agent. Dutch and the rest of the men escape to an empty house, where they hold out until midnight. In addition to the two dead, Abigail, who was involved in the preparations for the attack, is missing, and her husband John was arrested. The men sneak towards the harbor, on the way Charles distracts the Pinkertons so that the others can escape. They embark on a ship without knowing where it is going.

Chapter 5

The shortest chapter takes place exclusively on the Caribbean island of Guarma. Dutch, Arthur, Micah, Javier and Bill are able to escape from the ship, which gets caught in a storm and sinks, and are washed up on Guarma. After a brief orientation, a troop of the military stationed on the island attacks the bandits and arrests them. Chained together, they head towards the prison, but a group of rebels attack the soldiers and the van der Linde gang is able to free themselves, but during the subsequent escape with the rebel leader Hercule Fontaine, they have to leave behind Javier, who was hit in the leg. Using weapons from the rebels, Arthur and Dutch fight their way to the prison to free Javier. The safe way there was made possible by an old woman named Gloria, who was strangled by Dutch, because he thought he saw signs of impending betrayal in her eyes. Also in the prison called Aguasdulces, an explosion serves as a distraction for the liberators and together with their friend they return to the rebel camp. Arthur then frees a couple of workers kidnapped and tortured by Colonel Fussar's troops in order to gain Fontaine's favor. Then in the distance a Cuban warship is heading for the island and soldiers in row boats try to get ashore. Hercule and Arthur seize a cannon on a tower and are able to destroy the warship while the rest of the gang cleans the beach of enemies. In order to finally get off the island, the necessary captain has to be freed from the clutches of the military. When Arthur and Dutch have found the captain, Fussar and his right hand Levi Simon enter the hut and there is a Mexican standoff . Arthur kicks a rifle lying on the ground in the direction of the sailor, who can use it to shoot Levi, but Fussar disappears. During the subsequent escape, Fussar, who is holed up in a tower, can be defeated with the help of another cannon and the gang disappear from the island.

Chapter 6

When the gang is back in the USA, the captain lets them ashore in various places because it would be too conspicuous if they were all seen together. Arthur is now on his way from Van Horn to Shady Belle. When he gets there, the property is empty. Arthur finds a letter from a certain "Caroline" in the living room, who writes that she and his "cousins" are waiting for "Uncle Kilgore" in Lakay. Arthur realizes that Sadie, who organized the gang members who stayed behind, wrote this letter and that he needs to get to Lakay as soon as possible. Before the bandit can leave the house again, three Pinkerton agents arrive, they are supposed to check every day whether one of the gang members is on the property. Arthur eliminates the agents and rides to Lakay, shortly afterwards Dutch and the rest arrive.

On one of the following nights the voice of Agent Milton can be heard again, he asks the gang to surrender, but since they do not, the agents shoot the huts with massive firepower. Arthur and Sadie escape through a trap door to a nearby cabin. From there, they kill so many agents that the rest of the gang have free space to shoot. Arthur finally mans a Gatling captured by the agents and drives the squad to flight. Some time later, when the situation has calmed down, Arthur and Charles paddle two kayaks into the hillbilly village of Butcher's Creek, where they borrow two horses and head to a gang hideout of the Murfree brood. On the way they meet two Murfrees and Charles comes up with the idea to follow the two to find a new hiding place. Eventually they discover Beaver Hollow, a habitable cave system. Inside, they kill all gang members and rescue a scared woman who is sitting in a cage and apparently tortured and mistreated by the Murfrees. She came from the nearby mining town of Annesburg and her carriage would have been ambushed, she would be the only survivor.

A move to Beaver Hollow follows and another gang camp is set up in front of the cave. Later, Arthur learns when he breaks down coughing in Saint Denis and, with the help of a stranger, gets to the local doctor that he has contracted tuberculosis and will soon die. While he was collecting debts from a man named Thomas Downes for his friend, the loan shark Leopold Strauss, the already infected man spat at Arthur with bloody sputum after he had beaten Downes.

Together with Sadie, Arthur goes to a balloonist, with whom he can float to Sisika Prison, where the imprisoned John Marston has to do forced labor. They forge a plan to free their captive comrade. On the way back they meet Sadie, who is chased by some O'Driscolls and rescued at the risk of the balloonist's life. A little later, Molly O'Shea appears, who had been missing for some time. The woman is drunk and angry, especially with her partner Dutch, who had barely taken care of her lately. In her frenzy, Molly admits that she has betrayed her friends to the Pinkertons and that, in a way, has Lenny and Hosea on her conscience. Dutch pulls his Colt and is about to pull the trigger when Susan Grimshaw beats him with her gun. Except for Karen and Mary-Beth, everyone agrees that Molly broke the rules and therefore deserved death. Strauss was also banished from camp after Arthur returned from his last visits to debtors. He has had enough of continuing to work as Strauss' executor and destroyer of the lives of young and sometimes torn families.

The gang's situation soon came to a head when John was shot down by the Pinkertons while a train was robbed. When John's wife, Abigail, is captured by the Pinkertons, Arthur tries to free her, but Dutch refuses and he rides away with the gang. Arthur and Sadie shoot their way through a whole wave of agents in Van Horn, where they finally find Abigail in a hut. Agent Milton is also in the cabin, confronting Arthur about the fact that Micah betrayed the gang to the Pinkertons. Arthur already suspected this. In the fight that follows, Milton almost manages to shoot Arthur, who is already severely affected by his tuberculosis, but at the last moment Abigail shoots the agent with a revolver. Then Arthur says goodbye to Sadie, Abigail and Jack, who go to safety. Before that, Abigail gives Arthur the key to the crate of the gang's savings. Arthur rides back to Beaver Hollow and confronts Dutch and Micah with information from Agent Milton.

Micah denies everything, of course, but Dutch just wants to flee. Before that, the wounded John appears, who survived the Pinkertons shot and accuses Dutch of simply leaving him behind. Now Susan Grimshaw comes in and points a shotgun at Micah. Micah then kills her. At that moment, a whole bunch of Pinkertons appear and everyone is fleeing in different directions. Arthur escapes through the cave with John and then continues with the horses. This doesn't take too long, however, because Arthur's horse is hit by a Pinkerton, whereupon it dies. At this point, the player must decide whether to go back for the money or join John on his escape.

If the player decides for the money, Arthur is stopped by Micah while trying to escape with the loot. Depending on how high Arthur's honor was, he dies after a long fight with Micah from the consequences of the fight and from tuberculosis (with high honor) or from two knife stabs in the chest and back by Micah on the forest floor in front of the cave. If, on the other hand, the player decides to flee with John, the two climb through the mountain landscape north of Beaver Hollow. After further exchanges of fire with the Pinkertons, Arthur instructs John to flee with his family and not look back. Micah appears shortly afterwards and engages Arthur in a long fist fight. At the end of it, Dutch appears and stops the two in their fight. Arthur tries again to convince Dutch that Micah is the traitor, but Dutch leaves them behind. Again, the end depends on Arthur's honor. If it was deep, Micah shot Arthur in the head. With great honor, Micah leaves Arthur, who crawls with the last of his strength onto a cliff, where he succumbs to the effects of tuberculosis at sunrise.

Epilog part 1

From this point on, the player controls John Marston, the protagonist of the predecessor Red Dead Redemption .

Eight years after the events at Beaver Hollow, the Marston family returns to Strawberry. There John and Abigail try to find work and start a new life. They are quartered at the Pronghorn Ranch through John's employment. But Abigail and Jack soon leave the ranch because Abigail is unhappy about John's lack of responsibility and because he doesn't make a good father figure. John tries to change that. So, with the help of the owner of the Pronghorn Ranch, he takes a loan from the bank in Blackwater and buys a piece of land, Beecher's Hope.

Epilog part 2

With the help of Uncle, whom John meets in Blackwater, and Charles, whom they find in Saint Denis, they set up a ranch in Beecher's Hope. So Abigail and Jack return to John. To repay the loan to the bank, John goes on a bounty hunt with Sadie, whom he meets in Blackwater.

Like John, Sadie wants to track down and kill the gang's traitor, Micah. After a while she finds a member of Micah's gang in Strawberry who knows Micah's whereabouts. He tells them, not without some persuasion by John, that he is hiding on Mount Hagen. John, Sadie, and Charles make their way there, with Abigail trying to stop her husband. From their point of view, he achieved everything they wanted with the ranch and his family. Still, John chooses revenge. On Mount Hagen, first Charles and then Sadie are seriously wounded by Micah's gang, so John shoots his way to Micah's hiding place on his own. There is a brief exchange of fire between the two, in which Sadie also intervenes before Dutch steps out of the hut. Micah threatens to shoot Sadie. John tries to convince Dutch that Arthur gave everything for him and the gang and that Micah is a traitor. Dutch is silent before shooting Micah in the chest. John now gives him the rest, Micah collapses dead. Dutch leaves the scene in silence, then Sadie and John can take the gang's money, which they find in the hut. All three happily return to Beecher's Hope, where John and Abigail say yes and then say goodbye to Sadie and Charles, who are looking for happiness elsewhere. The game ends with a few scenes in the credits, which are the transition to the story of the predecessor.


Game world

In single player mode, the player controls the bandit Arthur Morgan, who is a member of the van der Linde gang - in the epilogue of the campaign, however, only his comrade John Marston, the main character in Red Dead Redemption, can be played. The player can move about on foot, on a horse, in carriages and covered wagons, swimming, in a rowing boat or in or on the roof of a train. The largest game world in the series to date is modeled on the United States at the end of the 19th century and divided into five fictional states - New Hanover, Ambarino, Lemoyne, West Elizabeth and New Austin. Each state is based on a larger region of the real United States, both in terms of landscape and climate. For example, Lemoyne in the southeast is a very warm and humid region with swamps like Florida or Georgia , the local architecture is reminiscent of the city of New Orleans , for example , while Ambarino is a mountainous landscape with a harsh and cold climate, probably modeled on the Rocky Mountains . The time in the game progresses, with one minute in real time being equivalent to about an hour in the game, at night some factors within the game world change, and weather effects also come into play.

Every NPC , animal, and location in the game has its own routine. Arthur can interact with all other people, but the possibilities for interaction vary, but everyone can be greeted or attacked. All representatives of the around 200 different animal species, including foxes, deer, alligators, grizzly bears or various types of birds and fish, can be hunted and then used, and it is also possible to collect a wide variety of plants and herbs in order to consume them for strengthening or as ingredients to use for recipes. Different tonics , improved weapons or special ammunition can be made. The game character is mainly on horseback or on foot, but from a certain point in the game it is also possible to travel quickly to settlements by carriage or train or from one of the camps.

In addition to following the main story, there is the possibility of various activities. Side missions can be accepted from strangers, weapons and other equipment, plants, trading cards or recipes can be collected, you can play poker, blackjack and other mini-games, commit robberies or complete challenges. Many of the activities, but also certain missions, bring money that can be invested within the game world. In the main missions, which are repeatable, it is possible to complete optional objectives and thus earn medals.

With the help of an in-game karma system, “good” and “bad” deeds are rewarded or punished. So the killing of other characters is always "evil", as with all other crimes are similar to the games of the Grand Theft Auto - range police officers to a close attention to what can cause a bounty exposed to you and you chased at gunpoint becomes. Smaller favors for NPCs or gang mates as well as greeting strangers, on the other hand, bring you "good" karma.

Hunting, weapons and supplies

After the player has killed an animal, it is possible to skin it or to take all of the prey with them - either on foot or on horseback. The raw materials obtained in this way can be used in the respective gang camp or sold to a trapper or butcher or used by the character himself with the help of recipes. There are also so-called "legendary" specimens of various species, the parts of which are necessary for the manufacture of special equipment.

Arthur himself can only take a limited number of weapons and other items with him, but the number can be increased by storing it on a horse. Firearms must be serviced regularly to maintain their full performance, and an upgrade is possible in a gun shop. In addition to rifles and revolvers, the player can also own a bow, knife, Molotov cocktails or a tomahawk .

The character has hair and beard, which both grow in real time and which can be groomed and adjusted at a barber's. You can also buy new clothes for the character in clothing stores or from a trapper . Arthur's status values ​​- health, stamina and dead eye , an ability in which time is slowed down and precise aiming is possible - can be improved, the attributes of the respective horse increase through regular rides and care. In addition to caring for the mount, Arthur needs to be cared for in order to maintain its values ​​at all times. For example, the player should let Arthur bathe, eat, drink and sleep regularly, and pay attention to the right clothing for warm or cold regions. If the life energy is gone, Arthur dies, but returns again and again with the help of the respawn function.

Production notes

Rockstar Games announced the successor Red Dead Redemption 2 for autumn 2017 on the official website about two years before the official release date on October 18, 2016 , after pictures of the game had been published a few days earlier. This date has been postponed to Spring 2018 by Rockstar Games on May 23, 2017. The first trailer was released on October 20, 2016. Immediately thereafter, Sony announced that selected online content would appear for the PlayStation 4 first. To launch the second trailer on September 28, 2017, Rockstar Games modified the game's logo. The Indo-Arabic number 2 was changed to the Roman number II . Rockstar Games already uses this number font in the computer game series Grand Theft Auto. On February 1, 2018, Rockstar Games announced that the game would be postponed again and would be released on October 26 of the same year, on the grounds that they wanted to deliver a flawless product and needed more time.

On May 2, 2018, the third trailer with deeper insights into the story and over 30 new screenshots in the following days was published. Journalists were invited to Edinburgh on March 26, 2018 to witness selected gameplay content. The second gameplay trailer was released on October 1, 2018.

An online mode called Red Dead Online was announced as part of the presentation of the numbers by the publisher Take 2 Interactive for the end of November 2018. This started as a beta version on November 27, 2018 for owners of the Ultimate Edition , on November 28 for all buyers who started the game on the day of publication and on November 29 for players who started the game within the first three days after publication. As of November 30, 2018, the beta version was opened to all players.

The PC version, which was mainly graphically but also slightly revised in terms of content, was released on November 5, 2019, making Red Dead Redemption 2 the first game in the series that is also officially available for Microsoft Windows systems instead of just for consoles. In the same month it was also released for the game streaming service Google Stadia .


publication Rating
PS4 Xbox One
4players 94% 94%
Computer picture games 1.3 grade 1.3 grade
Destructoid 9.5 / 10.0 9.5 / 10.0
Eurogamer Recommended Recommended
GamePro 96%
97% (Pro)
97% (X)
Game revolution 5/5 5/5
GamesRadar 5/5 5/5
IGN 10/10 10/10
PC Games 95% k. A. 9/10 9/10
Metacritic 97% 97%

The Metacritic review database aggregates 98 (PS4) and 33 (Xbox One) reviews to give an overall rating of 97/100.

The newspaper Der Standard described Red Dead Redemption 2 as the “first game of the new generation”, with which the developer “once again brought the entire medium forward”.

The German-language magazine 4Players praised the story of the game, including the relining with historical facts, the “living open world with its own rhythm”, credible characters and realistic dialogues. In addition to a few minor details, the magazine primarily criticized the level of difficulty, which is not very demanding for advanced players.

The Spielatgeber-NRW addresses potential educational problems that underpin the restriction to adult players: “Minors could be permanently unsettled by the drastic and frequent depictions of violence and the dramatic blows of fate. Morally problematic game actions are also possible. These take place in a historical setting and are marked as "dishonorable", but a reflective ability is required that cannot be expected from younger people. "At the same time, they praise the game as an" exciting staged adventure that can entertain for over 100 hours. "


As of March 29, 2019, the game has been nominated for around 60 awards and has won 17 different international critics' awards. Including for the “best story”, the “best music”, the “best audio design” and for the “best acting performance” (Roger Clark as Arthur Morgan's spokesman) at the Game Awards 2018 . There the game had to admit defeat in the election for "Game of the Year" Santa Monica's God of War .

Sales figures

According to Take Two CEO Strauss Zelnick, the title was sold more often in the first 15 days after release than the first part in eight years, which is 14 million units sold. Red Dead Redemption 2 has, in terms of sales, with 725 million US dollars a title retracted the highest opening weekend in the history of entertainment media and only Grand Theft Auto V trumps, which was released on a Tuesday and after the first three days Publication grossed over a billion dollars. The annual report for the last quarter of 2018 found that over 23 million copies of the game had been sold. By August 2020, the game had already been sold 32 million times.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Samit Sarkar: Red Dead Redemption 2 tops 17 million copies shipped. November 7, 2018, accessed April 1, 2019 .
  2. Red Dead Redemption 2 Achieves Entertainment's Biggest Opening Weekend of All Time. October 30, 2018, accessed January 24, 2019 .
  3. Ryan Parker: 'Red Dead Redemption 2' Breaks Records With $ 725 Million Opening Weekend. Retrieved January 24, 2019 .
  4. David Martin: Red Dead Redemption 2: There are so many animal species in Western action. In: PC Games . Computec Media , September 25, 2018, accessed June 20, 2020 .
  5. Tobias Veltin: Red Dead Redemption 2 - Rockstars Best Open World. In: May 3, 2018, accessed May 7, 2018 .
  6. ^ A b Maxime Chao: Rob Nelson: "Avec Red Dead 2, on veut que le joueur soit connecté le plus possible avec le monde qui l'entoure". In: May 3, 2018, accessed May 7, 2018 (French).
  7. Francesco Fossetti: Red Dead Redemption 2: vi raccontiamo l'epopea Western di Rockstar in esclusiva. In: May 2, 2018, accessed May 7, 2018 (Italian).
  8. David Martinez: Avance de Red Dead Redemption 2 for PS4 and Xbox One en exclusiva. In: May 3, 2018, Retrieved May 7, 2018 (Spanish).
  9. Alex Simmons: World's First Look at Red Dead Redemption 2. In: May 3, 2018, accessed May 7, 2018 .
  10. Nick Cowen: Red Dead Redemption 2 exclusive gameplay preview: Riding with the Dutch van der Linde gang. In: May 4, 2018, accessed May 7, 2018 .
  11. Red Dead Redemption 2. In: Retrieved October 18, 2016 (American English).
  12. Rockstar Games' tweet of October 16, 2016. In: Twitter . Twitter Inc. , October 16, 2016, accessed June 20, 2020 .
  13. Rockstar Games' tweet of October 17, 2016. In: Twitter . Twitter Inc. , October 17, 2016, accessed June 20, 2020 .
  14. Red Dead Redemption 2 Is Now Coming Spring 2018. In: Rockstar Games . September 28, 2017. Retrieved October 1, 2017 (American English).
  15. Red Dead Redemption 2 - DLCs first on PlayStation 4. In: Retrieved November 17, 2016 .
  16. Red Dead Redemption 2: Official Trailer # 2. In: Rockstar Games . September 28, 2017. Retrieved October 1, 2017 (American English).
  17. Red Dead Redemption 2 is Coming October 26th 2018. In: Rockstar Games . February 1, 2018, Retrieved February 1, 2018 (American English).
  18. Red Dead Redemption 2: Official Trailer # 3. Rockstar Games, May 2, 2018, accessed May 7, 2018 (American English).
  19. Screens From Red Dead Redemption 2. Rockstar Games, May 4, 2018, accessed May 7, 2018 (American English).
  20. First Look Previews of Red Dead Redemption 2. Rockstar Games, May 3, 2018, accessed May 7, 2018 (American English).
  21. In addition, more pictures were published on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
  22. George J. King: Red Dead Redemption 2: Red Dead Online should start by the end of November. In: PC Games Hardware . Computec Media , November 10, 2018, accessed June 20, 2020 .
  23. Maik Seidl: Red Dead Redemption 2: Red Dead Online should start by the end of November. In: November 27, 2018, accessed June 20, 2020 .
  24. Red Dead Redemption 2 Coming to PC November 5th. In: October 4, 2019, accessed October 4, 2019 .
  25. a b Red Dead Redemption 2. Retrieved May 30, 2019 .
  26. Zsolt Wilhelm: "Red Dead Redemption 2" alluded to: The first game of the next generation - In: October 25, 2018, accessed October 29, 2018 .
  27. Test: Red Dead Redemption 2. Accessed December 8, 2018 .
  28. ^ Daniel Heinz: Red Dead Redemption 2. In: Spielatgeber-NRW. 2018, accessed March 14, 2019 .
  29. Samit Sarkar: Red Dead Redemption 2 tops 17 million copies shipped. November 7, 2018, accessed January 24, 2019 .
  30. Norman Wittkopf: Red Dead Redemption 2: Sales figures exceed Take-Two's expectations. February 6, 2019, accessed February 7, 2019 .
  31. Red Dead Redemption 2 sales now at 32 million. August 4, 2020, accessed on August 21, 2020 .