Redha Malek

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Redha Malek ( Arabic رضا مالك, DMG Riḍā Mālik ; * December 21, 1931 in Batna ; † July 29, 2017 in Algiers ) was Prime Minister of Algeria from August 21, 1993 to April 1994 .

During the Algerian War of Independence from 1957 to 1962, Malek was the editor of the party newspaper El Moudjahid of the Front de Liberation Nationale party . He was a member of the FLN delegation that signed the 1962 treaties of Évian , which ended the Algerian war and led to the independence of the state.

After Algeria's independence, Malek was ambassador to Yugoslavia , France , the Soviet Union , the USA and Great Britain . 1977–1979 he held the office of Minister for Information and Culture and from February to August 1993 that of Foreign Minister.

During his brief tenure in the early years of the Algerian civil war , he pursued tough anti-Islamist policies, successfully negotiated debt relief with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and followed the reform plan prescribed by the IMF. After his tenure as Prime Minister, he became chairman of the Alliance nationale républicaine , which was founded on May 5, 1995. He resigned from this post in 2009.

His candidacy for the 1995 presidency was rejected by the electoral committee on the grounds that he had not submitted enough supporters' signatures.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Algérie: mort de Redha Malek, négociateur des accords d'Evian. In: Le Monde online . July 29, 2017, accessed July 29, 2017 (French).
  2. Sonia Lyes: Il évoque une crise du multipartisme en Algérie: Rédha Malek quitte l'ANR ., January 21, 2009, accessed July 29, 2017 (French).